
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Welcome to My World

Here I am. My own blog by popular demand and in an effort to keep my sanity or lack there of in check.

The creative mind is an incredible thing. I completely understand why Emily Dickenson went into deep seclusion for her entire adult life. Sylvia Plath stuck her head in an oven. VanGogh cut off his ear in an effort to be understood. I get it. The creative mind is a lonely place. Not that I can compare nor do I dare to compare myself with these masterminds, but the creative mind is very misunderstood.

My post today on myface was just out of control. I received numerous e-mails, instant messaging, and even phone calls about it. "It's hysterical! Write more." Or, "Wow that was great! Start your own blog." I can barely keep up with the e-mails and notifications! I am very grateful and humbled.

Let me just warn everyone that I write what I feel and what I think. I am what I am, always. I just say what is on my mind and in my heart. I welcome all opinions and all comments; especially those that disagree with me. It is through the people that are most unlike us that we learn the most from. Therefore, I am grateful for all your comments.

I am not politically correct, and I refuse to be. I will never be disrespectful nor will I insult anyone. I believe that we are all spiritual beings. I believe in love. I believe in self expression.

Having said all this, welcome to my world. Hold on to your are in for a bumpy ride!

Love & Peace


  1. Lucy,
    This is awesome. I was on the floor with the one you wrote today. I loved it.

  2. Lucy, This is great writing on great topics! Let your spirit work. I love it!

  3. Thanks for the support... :o) It heals the soul when I write and that's what it's all about.

    Please share with friends. Have a great day!
