
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our Lives in the Snap of a Flash

I have been sitting here looking at old photographs; smiling as I do so, crying at times, and wondering. Wondering about the people that have come, those that have gone, and those that remain. Wondering about the laughs we shared and the laughs we are sharing now. It’s great to look at the old cars, the clothes, the hair styles, and squinting as I stare at the picture and try to remember an old familiar face. “Oh! God, yes I remember.” We shout with excitement as if it was Christmas and we were opening a present.

When I was little, well maybe not me, I was always a ham; we, always got mad at our moms for snapping those pictures. We pouted and frowned, “stop it! No more pictures!” we’d scream, we’d stump our feet and walk away hearing her complain about how difficult we were. Now, we are digging through old boxes for a scrap of some old time memory; wondering what happened to that best friend we had in 6th grade; or that kid we had the crush on in 8th. We dig and hold on to the picture like if it was a life line; sometimes, speechless when we see the face of someone no longer with us; or, smile when we remember the words of a teacher that made an impact on our lives with us even knowing it.

We wish someone would have given us a “heads up” on life; maybe they did and we just didn’t listen. We wish we could have said something to someone at sometime, but we didn’t. We wonder about what we’ve done and haven’t done; and, in an attempt to recapture the carefree days of our youth, we reach out to those we shared so much with so long ago and hope they can somehow restore and heal some of lives hard knocks.

The days have turned into years; and the years have slipped through our fingers in a snap of a flash.

Here is to good friends and good memories, Cheers!

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