
Sunday, March 22, 2009

In Search of John Wayne

It seems, “the gentleman” have all disappeared; vanished before our eyes like the soft dew on a rose’s petal.

Last night a friend of mine was watching an old movie, Casablanca. Ah. A classic, love it. I could not help and think of all those beautiful, wonderful gentlemen of long ago. One of my all time favorite, Cary Grant. Tall, dark, smooth, funny, charming, and absolutely adorable. How about John Wayne? An incredible man tough and rough, but a pure gentleman with the ladies. These men were incredibly beautiful. The ultimate gentleman, a dying breed.

Recently, I went to a local sports bar with friends. We were standing by the bar surrounded by men sitting at the bar. Not one man would offer their seat. Not one. As a matter of fact, a couple of them were paying their bill and had finished; and still would not offer their seats. Doors are not opened for us anymore. Chairs aren’t pulled out at restaurants. The Boogies, Grants, Gables, and the John Waynes of days of old are extinct. We ladies are left with the luke-warm left-overs, at best.
Suddenly, I was jolted back to the future this past week. I was
leaving a local establishment with a “gentleman”. We were walking side-by-side; however, I was a step or two ahead of him. As we approached the door, he intersected and stepped in front of me. I was taken back and missed a step. I looked at him shocked as he reached for the door and opened it. “What are you doing?” I asked. He saw the shocked look on my face and flashed a dashing smile, “I’m being a gentleman. Is that allowed?” I fell on my ass!

I am left to ponder on the thought, have we women in our quest for equality given up the fringe benefits of being a lady?

Written by Lucy Tamajon

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