
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do You Get that Funny Feeeling?

That was the question that a very close girl friend asked me. “What funny feeling?” I asked. “That funny feeling in your stomach?” “You mean like when I’m hungry and crave nachos with extra cheese?” “No, No. That funny feeling in your chest, you know.” “You mean like when I eat too many nachos with extra cheese and wash them down with half a dozen margaritas?” “No, no! With a man!” “OH! That funny feeling!” Giggle. Giggle.

I’m not sure we know what that funny feeling is. How do we describe it? How we define it? Do we really feel it, or is it a mere illusion of the moment we are caught in and we remember “that funny feeling” the way we want to remember it.

“Do you mean…. “ The earth suddenly coming to an abrupt stop, stops spinning, and there is a stillness beyond belief. The universe rearranges itself so that for one second time stands still in what may appear to seem like an eternity; and, two souls join. You are trembling and your knees feel weak. Your head seems to be in a spin. The world around you disappears and you melt into the being holding you in his arms. The only sound you hear is the pounding of your hearts so loud and so strong that your chest feels like it is going to rip open. Nothing else matters. You forget who you are, who he is, and where you are. You are surrounded by a hundred eyes but you are completely alone and his smile cures all the pain that you have inside. And, as if a princess in a fairy tale, his kiss sets you free. Suddenly, you are awake or are you dreaming. It is all a blur. There is no rhyme. There is no reason. There need not be. All is right with the world and it’s a beautiful place, a paradise.

“That funny feeling?” I asked. “Yes, yes! “ She said. “I haven’t got a clue what you are talking about.”


Written by Lucy Tamajon

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mr. Creepy

I was chatting with a friend about “girl stuff” yesterday. Well, let me be honest, “girl stuff”, we were talking about men. We were shocked that perhaps we have dated the same man.
During our conversation and in comparing notes; yes, yes, we compared notes; it appears that we had both dated Mr. Creepy!

Ladies, I think we all know Mr. Creepy; but for those of you that have been away from the dating scene for awhile let me refresh your memory.

Mr. Creepy is the guy that calls you from different phone numbers so that you don’t recognize the number and hence he will “catch” you “off base”.

Mr. Creepy asks you were you spent the afternoon and when you say, “oh nowhere really, just stayed home.” He says, “No! You didn’t! You were at Starbucks at three o’clock with someone having coffee!” Wondering how he knows your every move, you say, “Oh, yeah, I stopped by for a quick cup with “so and so”. He says, “Why do you lie about where you were?” Here’s a newsflash, Mr. Creepy, maybe we just forgot because it wasn’t a big deal.

Mr. Creepy lurks in the background and watches and just pops up when you least expect him in the most unexpected times with an “ah huh! I thought you said you had a meeting! Why are you at Victoria Secrets instead? What are you buying? Why?” You look at him and you are thinking, good Lord, I need to run not walk away from this guy, and say “I did have a meeting. I’m buying underwear because I need it; and, I’ll see you maybe never!”

We have all met Mr. Creepy. Here’s my advise ladies when you come across Mr. Creepy, run fast!

Cheers! EXIT, Right! Next!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Life Not in Vain

I was told not too long ago, “oh, you are just too nice”. “Thanks, I guess,” was my response and a flashed my smile. I’m not sure exactly why I wouldn’t be “nice”? What’s the alternative? Being mean? Being bitter? Being angry? Why? I don’t understand it.

In any event, I take being “nice” as a compliment; Lord, knows I have been called worse things.
I don’t see myself as being nice, however, I just am. One of my favorite poems is, “Not in Vain”, by Emily Dickinson. I have it taped on the front cover of my daily planner. I want to share with you because it is how I live my life on a daily basis.

Not in Vain
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain.
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live my life in vain.

Today, smile at a stranger. Say good morning to someone that otherwise you would have ignored. Don’t cross the street when you see the “homeless bum” walking your way. Say, “thank you” to the cashier at the grocery store. Give your child an extra hug and a big sloppy kiss. Write your hubby a little love note. And, when the angry jerk on the road cuts you off, flash a smile and say “God loves even you!”

Mother Teresa said, “God does not desire us to do great things, but to do little things with great love.”

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009


Every year, I prune what is the garden of my life. We cannot grow, we cannot blossom, if we do not prune. Those that have known me for awhile, know the process. For you who are just getting to know me, it's weird but did you expect anything less?Pruning means I sit down and take a look at the year, at my life. I face things I don't want to face. I smile at things that I do. I take a hard look at what's holding me back, what's causing pain, what is stopping me from growing.

Literally and figuratively. I clean clutter, throw away garbage that's piled up, and make room for new and wonderful things. "What do you mean?" asked a friend of mine, "do you clean your house?" Yes, it my house, but, more importantly, my life.The most difficult thing to do is prune people, but I do. Sounds crazy? Of course, it is but it's a must. There may be people in your life (and we all have them) that are negative, constantly focusing on all that you dont have, constantly bringing you down. They've got to go! Those are the weeds. There is just so much you can try to convert a weed into a flower. It doesn't happen. As long as you have weeds, you won't grow.So, this week I am pruning. :o)

Not much to prune, I'm happy to report. Just a little here and there. I'm looking forward to 2009. I have put all my troubles in the Hands of the Lord, especially that that I cannot handle on my own. I will laugh often, as much as I can. I will love unconditionally remembering that I am here to do God's work; and, God's work is simple. I will remember that regardless of how difficult my life has been at times, it has been amazing always; and, He has never let me down.

I am so grateful that my friends, my family, and all that I have. I have met such wonderful people. And you have all reinforced my faith and my love in God. We are all connected. We are all here to help each other get through this mess... called life. Now let's just do it with a big old smile on our face!

I love you all. Much Love & Peace in 2009!

I wrote this in January of 2009, it's time to take a loook and prune again.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

In Search of John Wayne

It seems, “the gentleman” have all disappeared; vanished before our eyes like the soft dew on a rose’s petal.

Last night a friend of mine was watching an old movie, Casablanca. Ah. A classic, love it. I could not help and think of all those beautiful, wonderful gentlemen of long ago. One of my all time favorite, Cary Grant. Tall, dark, smooth, funny, charming, and absolutely adorable. How about John Wayne? An incredible man tough and rough, but a pure gentleman with the ladies. These men were incredibly beautiful. The ultimate gentleman, a dying breed.

Recently, I went to a local sports bar with friends. We were standing by the bar surrounded by men sitting at the bar. Not one man would offer their seat. Not one. As a matter of fact, a couple of them were paying their bill and had finished; and still would not offer their seats. Doors are not opened for us anymore. Chairs aren’t pulled out at restaurants. The Boogies, Grants, Gables, and the John Waynes of days of old are extinct. We ladies are left with the luke-warm left-overs, at best.
Suddenly, I was jolted back to the future this past week. I was
leaving a local establishment with a “gentleman”. We were walking side-by-side; however, I was a step or two ahead of him. As we approached the door, he intersected and stepped in front of me. I was taken back and missed a step. I looked at him shocked as he reached for the door and opened it. “What are you doing?” I asked. He saw the shocked look on my face and flashed a dashing smile, “I’m being a gentleman. Is that allowed?” I fell on my ass!

I am left to ponder on the thought, have we women in our quest for equality given up the fringe benefits of being a lady?

Written by Lucy Tamajon

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Have Heart, Will Travel

This is a very special dedication to all of my friends afraid of "loviing". Don't be.
Back to romance, love, and what makes the world go around. In the last couple of weeks I have had a few friends call and/or e-mail me regarding “long distance relationships.” The question posed by all of them is, “I don’t know if I can handle a long-distance relationship?” My answer, “what’s to handle?”

Love is love. Distance is just an abstract perspective. When one of my girlfriends told me that her love was thousands of miles away and she wasn’t sure if she could handle being apart. She’s in Miami, he is in Spain; I said, “What are you talking about? He is just two inches away!” She looked at me like she has many times before; as if I had three heads and just landed from my home planet. “What?” I answered matter of factly, “look at a map, Miami is just two inches away from Europe.”

Point is that distance is just an abstract form of measurement. Once two hearts make a connection, the bond is there. Distance is irrelevant. You can be with a person on a daily basis, sleep in the same bed, eat at the same table, see them every day, and be “miles” apart emotionally and spiritually. The physical distance has no connection with the emotional distance.

What you are struggling with is the physical distance. In that case, you need to know that you do not have to touch or be with a person physically to experience love. Love is beyond all physical perspective. Therefore, to all my friends whom have a love that is “miles away”, I simply say, love without boundaries. Forget the physical and material world. It is a world created by your mind. Live for the moment that you are granted NOW. Do not look to the future because it is not promised to anyone.

Step outside your boundaries, love from the heart, and baste in the joy of that love. Do not pack a bag or luggage, it is not needed. Just take your heart and board a plane. For the bonds created by the soul supersedes all earthly components of what we perceive to be “love”.


Lucy Tamajon

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Love Letters

Recently we saw a movie where the topic of love letters came up. One of the characters was reading a book composed of love letters written by “famous” men to their beloved. Of course, we asked, “Have we ever gotten a love letter?”

Some of my friends automatically said, “yes, I think so, in High School.” Or, “I must have.”; Or, “I’m sure I have.” Naturally, I thought about it. Had I? I couldn’t remember. Now, I know I’ve gotten cards on Valentine’s day, but a “love letter?” I could not recall and if it was not memorable then it did not happen.

The art of letter writing is all but a myth. We now have texts and e-mails. How sad. Then I thought some more, of course. Would a text or an e-mail qualify as a “love letter?” I don’t think so. How could it? How romantic or how much emotions can one pour into a text? You can’t. Perhaps, an e-mail.

That led me to my next thought, “What was the most romantic and memorable thing a man had ever done?” Thankfully, there was a spark. I had a boyfriend in high school who every month on the 18th of the month would give me a single red rose. He did this so that I would never forget the day we started going out. For over a year and a half come rain or high water, where ever I was, he would stroll in holding a red rose. I did not think it romantic at the time. I thought it was “cute”. However, he succeeded. To this day, I remember.

Romance to men is trivial; to women essential. Romance makes our eyes sparkle and our faces light up. Every single time I saw him walk in holding that rose, I could only smile. “You light up.” He would say. “You are so silly,” was my response; but, he loved me and he wanted me to know it.

If you are wondering who he is, cannot say. We are still friends; we still talk; he is married and has a beautiful family; and, yes, on occasion tells me, “I still love you.” My response, “you are so silly.”


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our Lives in the Snap of a Flash

I have been sitting here looking at old photographs; smiling as I do so, crying at times, and wondering. Wondering about the people that have come, those that have gone, and those that remain. Wondering about the laughs we shared and the laughs we are sharing now. It’s great to look at the old cars, the clothes, the hair styles, and squinting as I stare at the picture and try to remember an old familiar face. “Oh! God, yes I remember.” We shout with excitement as if it was Christmas and we were opening a present.

When I was little, well maybe not me, I was always a ham; we, always got mad at our moms for snapping those pictures. We pouted and frowned, “stop it! No more pictures!” we’d scream, we’d stump our feet and walk away hearing her complain about how difficult we were. Now, we are digging through old boxes for a scrap of some old time memory; wondering what happened to that best friend we had in 6th grade; or that kid we had the crush on in 8th. We dig and hold on to the picture like if it was a life line; sometimes, speechless when we see the face of someone no longer with us; or, smile when we remember the words of a teacher that made an impact on our lives with us even knowing it.

We wish someone would have given us a “heads up” on life; maybe they did and we just didn’t listen. We wish we could have said something to someone at sometime, but we didn’t. We wonder about what we’ve done and haven’t done; and, in an attempt to recapture the carefree days of our youth, we reach out to those we shared so much with so long ago and hope they can somehow restore and heal some of lives hard knocks.

The days have turned into years; and the years have slipped through our fingers in a snap of a flash.

Here is to good friends and good memories, Cheers!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The First Note I Ever Wrote

All this chit chat about love notes, love letters, and my writing got me thinking. I know! Shocking, me thinking! I remembered the very first note I wrote which happened to be a “love” note.

I was six. His name was Luis (I'll leave last name out of note to protect the innocent)> We were all in the same class; first grade, Robert Waters School. He was funny, the class clown, and cute. Always made the class laugh, well, he made me laugh. Maybe, I was the only little girl laughing; but, I liked him.
So, I did what any six year old “sassy” little girl would do. I sat down, pulled out my crayons, some paper, and wrote my first “love note”. I remember it. It had a big red heart on it with little hearts all around it, and I boldly announced, “Lucy and Luis – Love 4 ever”. There. I was quite satisfied. I folded my note and tucked safely away in my book bag. The plan was to give it to him the next day.

The next morning, I was nervous, my heart was beating fast. What would he say? Would he like me? I fixed my pig tails, adjusted my glasses, ate my fruit loops, and I was ready to go! As I went to get my book back, I came to an abrupt halt. There in front of me, holding the school bag in her hand, and snooping as no one else can, was my mother! In her hands, the note! The horror; I flashed my smile.

Let me elaborate, my Cuban mother. Who proceeded to tell me how little girls never did such a thing! It was like a scene from Charlie Brown when the teacher is talking.. waah…waahh.. waahh. What the heck did I know? He was cute. I had something to tell him. What was the big deal? She confiscated the note. I was pissed. So, I did what I do best even at six. “Hmm.. I’ll teach her!”

Next day, I sat down, pulled out my crayons, and well, wrote note number two. This time, I had learned a lesson. I would have to keep the note away from the Gustapo. So I tucked it in my sock, put my shoe on, and walked safely to school to deliver the note. Which I did, and I knew he liked me so this note would inspire him to be extra nice to me.

However, I couldn’t understand Luis’ reaction? After, I snuck the note in his desk, and he read it; all he did was constantly pull my pig tails, poke me while I was on line, and be constantly borrowing my crayons. I just didn’t get it. I guess he just wasn’t that into me. Sigh.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

That's what Friends are For

It’s amazing to me how “friends” seem to wander in and out of our lives. I think this is okay. Sometimes, we have friends that last a life time. Sometimes, we have friends that last a week. I am okay with this. I understand the concept of friendship. We cannot talk to people all the time. We are busy adults. We are not 15 anymore and friendship means something more.

However, there are those so-called “friends” that are more like “leaches”. They hang on to us when the ride is good, when we are on top, when things are going are great. They make sure that you know that they are your friend by making comments like “you know I’m here”, but they are not the ones calling. Yet, when things were good, they were the ones calling you. They were the ones texting and leaving messages on the machine. Real friends don’t even have to say those words because we already know they are there because regardless of the situation that you are in, they call, they care.

It always makes me giggle when this happens because I understand that people come and go in our lives. They serve the purpose that they serve and that is ok. I understand that there are people that feed off others and really do not understand the concept of friendship at all. As long as you are picking up the tab, they are your friends. When you can’t pick up the tab, they move to the next table.

I understand that there are those that will be there forever. We do not have to speak every day. We have grown up; and, we understand the plight of life, the importance of friendship, and the meaning of love. Hats off to friendship in all its stages.

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Odd Lama on the Love Boat

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and the excitement is titillating. Everyone is talking about special gifts, special dinners, special vacations, special cruises, special flowers, and romance is everywhere. Not that I don’t love Valentine’s Day, I do. I love love, but I could just puke.

Being single in Miami these days is not an easy task. Being single on Valentine’s Day is just brutal. Everyone is paired up, smooching, giggling, and letting us single women know how happy “couplehood” is. I feel like the odd lama on the Love Boat that can’t find her pair.

What is worse is that I get to hear from all my married and coupled-up friends not to mention family about how I shouldn’t worry that eventually “Mr. Right” will eventually come along. I get that “look”, you know the kind. That sympathetic look that really says, “What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you find someone?” Or, worse, they try to match me up with some friend of friend who is single and “very nice”. You meet him, he is middle aged, bald, has a beer belly from here to eternity, and then tells you that he’s looking for that “special feeling, looking for butterflies in his stomach, and that you are just a little too old.” You have got to be kidding me. It’s a Valentine’s Day Nightmare, and I have just had enough of this love fiasco.

Therefore, this year, my quest is to find a Valentine for next year for all us odd lamas. However, I am going to go out of my way to find and extra, special, sexy, out of this world man. A stud that I can flaunt proudly on my arm with a smile on my face from ear to ear. A gorgeous hunk of a man that will turn heads, make my married coupled-up friends, tumble over on their butts spilling their martinis as they do so; and make every bald middle aged man that turned me down gag on his Viagra.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you are in search of your lama the quest is on. I will travel from east to west, hit every club, happy hour, networking event, seminar, gallery, and festival. I will bring my readers along for the ride. Hop aboard the Love Boat, we are headed into unchartered waters. Are you in for the ride?

Cheers and Happy Valentine’s Day!

Published at the Savvy Times

Sunday, March 8, 2009

365 Valentines

In my quest for love as a single woman in Miami, I have decided that everyday will be Valentine’s Day for the next year.

I remember when I was little in school we used to give Valentine’s Day cards. Didn’t you love getting them? Wasn’t it fun? I loved making valentines out of red paper and passing them out. I loved the sweet hearts with the messages. I loved the pretty chocolate hearts. I loved the feeling of love.

I have thought about Valentine’s Day a lot this year. I have decided that everyday should be Valentine’s Day. Why should we only say “I love you” on Valentine’s Day? Why should we only give Valentine’s Day Cards on Valentine’s Day? Why can’t we love, share our love, and give love every day?

Today, I will go out and buy 365 Valentine’s Day cards and for the next 365 days I will pass out these cards to everyone. I will send one Valentine’s Day e-mail a day. Those I love. Those I know. Those I don’t.

Therefore, do not be surprised if in the middle of July, while you are sitting by the pool, sipping a cool refreshing drink, you get a Valentine’s Card from yours truly.

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Secrets to Looking Young

I am often asked, "how do you keep yourself looking so great?", or "young?"... Of course, I am always, always flattered and very grateful for the compliment. Well, I thought I share some of my secrets.


You not only eat "like a bird" but eat what birds eat; i.e, twigs, leaves, dirt, fungus, and; of course, the occasional worm... but, only for your protein intake and if you feel really light headed and are fearful you will pass out.


everyone says drinking makes them fat! Not at all... here are the "Skinny drinks"

Skinny Margarita - Tequila with a twist of lime. (No salt! You'll puff like a blow fish)

Skinny Martini - Vodka with an olive.

Skinny Whiskey sour - Whiskey, no sour, on the rocks.

Skinny Cosmo - Vodka with a tiny splash of sugar-free cranberry

Skin Care

When you go to your favorite cosmetic counter, ask for:anti-aging, anti-sagging, anti-wrinkle, firming, lifting, smoothing, retinole-infused, SPF 65, colleagen, botaflin, Vitamin E & C, antioxidant, brightening, spot reducing, I don't want to look like Joan Rivers or Goldie Hawn cream. :o)

StarbucksI love starbucks - No it's not fatting! Order:Vente, soy-latte, non-fat, sugar-free vanilla (I live on the edge!), NO WHIP CREAM! Please.


-Don't take yourself too seriously, be happy in your own skin (wrinkles, sags, and all), and laugh often.

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009


I love mornings. The quietness of waking up at the touch of the sunrise. There is a silence and peace that fills your every fiber. I do not use an alarm clock, I wake up when I wake up; when the universe tells me, “it’s time to start doing it all over again. Today, you have a brand new start.” I do this every day. I live for the minute.

This morning there is an incredible peace in my home. The windows and glass sliding doors are opened; my boys are sleeping; the coffee is on and the aroma is delicious; there are no sounds, but the sound of the sunshine, and the warmth of the peace within. I am grateful that all the characters in my head are still dormant and that I am able to sort out the clutter before they awake.

Mornings are not meant for mayhem but to reflect on the day ahead. I wish all love and peace today. Let’s open our minds and our hearts and create a beautiful world together.

Have a Strawberry of a Day

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Bar Scene

Listen, I like men. Honestly, you can say, I love men. Everything about them is awesome. This is, I guess, my curse. Therefore, this is not about men bashing, male bashing, or whatever you want to call it. This is about some curious observations I have made; and, have had no other recourse but to reach the conclusion that men are idiots.I've really kept an open mind about this. Believe it or not, I am a sensible person. I weigh all the facts, take all the variables under consideration, and analysize before reaching a conclusion.

For example. I do not understand why men think that approaching a woman at a bar when they are intoxicated, drooling, and slurring their words would be attractive to us. Now, again, keeping the above formula in mind, I am open minded.

So the guy stumbles and sometimes falls over on his way to approach me, I look down at my feet at the idiot attempting to pick himself up, and sigh. He approaches me. Here's the conversation:"geye.. ma name sshis Joam.." after saying "what?" three times, I deduce he is saying, "Hi, my name is Jim." I hand him a napkin, "here," I say, "you are drooling.".. "Sanks" I turn away, hoping he'll leave, of course, he doesn't. Then he tries to charm me... I sigh some more. "gan I suy joo ace grink?" Again, after saying "what?" three times, I decifer.. "Can I buy you a drink?"

The conversation goes on until he just looses total control of his focus and is rescued by yet another speech impaired friend... "joory... ge'sh ad shoe nuch shoe grink. "What?... three times.. solve the puzzle. "Sorry, he's had too much to drink." NO SHIT, Sherlock! I smile and try to be nice, but man ... sometimes.

Now, how about some of the great pick up lines I've heard, and let me tell you... I've heard quite a few. But, here are some for the record book. Mind you these are "openers".

"Hi, do you eat?" My response, "if I'm hungry." What the heck?"

"Hi, I've been single for 2 years." My response, "congratulations." Again, what the heck?

"Hi, what kind of guy are you looking for?" My response, "one that doesn't slurr his speech."

"Hi, are you really here to watch the game?" My response, "well, seeing how this is a Sports Bar with a giant TV which I'm sitting in front of and there is a game on..." Again???

"Hi, are you a Marine?" ... "Do I look like a Marine?" Again????

I can't even been to imagine where he was going with that one, but for the love! Guys, really, what in the world is in your skull?? What happens up there is beyond me.

I don't understand. I just don't get it.

Exit! Right!

PS. This article was published at the SavvyTimes

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It Just Slipped My Mind

A friend of mine has been asking me to write about some of my dating experiences. She particularly likes this one. I fail to see the humor, but hey... she laughs her head off everytime she hears the story. This one is for all the single ladies out there willing to take a chance. Cheers!

I recently met a very “nice” man at work related event for sake of the story we’ll call him “M”. When we met, it was on a business level and we obviously discussed doing business together. We actually went to a couple of workshops and networking events all work related. He seemed "normal".

One day he asked to meet me for coffee to discuss some business things. I met him and we had good conversation and actually did discuss business. He later called and asked me out to dinner. At this point, I hesitated on the invitation, but he was very non-threatening and very friendly so I agreed.

We met at a local restaurant. I noticed that the conversation starts taking a more personal tone. At this point, I have to stop and think for a second. M had told me all about his so called life, he had three children, where he lived, about his neighbors, about his work. I knew what he did for a living and about his partners. He told me about his brother-in-law and some problems he was having at work. We discussed retirement planning and protection for his family. He even told me about his dog. M did not wear a wedding ring and never mentioned a wife. I assumed he was divorced.

Then that little voice inside of me was so loud I could not ignore it, and I looked at M, and asked; “M, are you married?” He looked at me, smiled, and as if I had asked, “Did you pick up milk yesterday on your way home?” He said, “Oh, yes. I have a wife.” He grinned like that cat that just ate the canary and was caught in the act. In complete awe, I said, “Were you planning on telling me?” I waited for his response, I just could not imagine what he would say and then I was just left with my jaw hanging opened, “We were having such a nice time. It just slipped my mind.”

Exit Right. Next!

Welcome to My World

Here I am. My own blog by popular demand and in an effort to keep my sanity or lack there of in check.

The creative mind is an incredible thing. I completely understand why Emily Dickenson went into deep seclusion for her entire adult life. Sylvia Plath stuck her head in an oven. VanGogh cut off his ear in an effort to be understood. I get it. The creative mind is a lonely place. Not that I can compare nor do I dare to compare myself with these masterminds, but the creative mind is very misunderstood.

My post today on myface was just out of control. I received numerous e-mails, instant messaging, and even phone calls about it. "It's hysterical! Write more." Or, "Wow that was great! Start your own blog." I can barely keep up with the e-mails and notifications! I am very grateful and humbled.

Let me just warn everyone that I write what I feel and what I think. I am what I am, always. I just say what is on my mind and in my heart. I welcome all opinions and all comments; especially those that disagree with me. It is through the people that are most unlike us that we learn the most from. Therefore, I am grateful for all your comments.

I am not politically correct, and I refuse to be. I will never be disrespectful nor will I insult anyone. I believe that we are all spiritual beings. I believe in love. I believe in self expression.

Having said all this, welcome to my world. Hold on to your are in for a bumpy ride!

Love & Peace