
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Winter of the Heart

Winter seems so unnecessary at times. The temperature drops. The sun hibernates. The cold seeps in and the brutal wind seems to cut right into our bones. We try to find the warmest of sweaters, socks, and blankets.

Everything dies in winter. The trees go bare; the skies are gray; and, the lakes freeze. There is an unusual silence that comes with the whisper of the cold; and we find comfort within our homes. We cook hearty meals, cuddles up on the couch, and smile at a cup of hot cocoa with whip cream, of course. The simple pleasures of this complicated life.

God works his winter magic on our hearts as well. A necessary freeze of the heart so that it can retreat to the soul and find its way back to spring. God needs our hearts to be whole and in sync with His plan not ours. We get so caught up in all the distractions that we forget what the heart is truly for. We forget that we have a major role in God’s plan and that our sole reason for existence is to fulfill His plan not ours.

Hence, a winter of the heart where everything stops within us slowing down the world around us. It’s so cold and our hearts barely beats. We hide under thick blankets, our bodies soar and tire, our head pounding, and when we thought nothing else can go wrong, we’re burning up, and all we can do is shut our eyes and listen. And, there in the silence, our faith is tested.

We need winter for without winter there is no promise of spring and rebirth. Without the bitter cold, we cannot appreciate the warmth of the sun. Without the frozen lakes, we cannot enjoy the feel of the ocean waves. Without a retreat of the heart, our souls cannot find comfort in this world.

It is when all goes dark and we think we’re blind that the light is brightest. We just need to stop, have a warm cup of hot chocolate for the soul, and believe.


  1. So....for the people who live in warm climates and don't get to experince winter...God does not have a rebirth plan for them? Perhaps you should stick to your petty job selling Mary Kay!

  2. Robert, I think you need to let go of the anger and the bitterness and then you will see the message I try to convey.

    Winter in my piece is an analogy. There are no petty jobs, my friend, only petty people. All things are great when done with love.

    The anger and bitterness within your own heart and soul is so sad. How do you live with such darkness in your life?

  3. Lucy responding to such tactless and immature comments is the best compliment you can pay anyone. Just ignore it... it's not worth your time nor effort to try to explain something, they may not even have the capacity to understand. Continue writing girl!!! =)

  4. Francy, Thanks =) It's sad that there is so much bitterness....

  5. I think it's great that she's getting Robert's attention that he reads all her blogs and takes the time to comment.

  6. I thank all my readers for reading regardless of their opinions... that's what this is all about...

    I think I'm lightening things up a bit next blog and talk about bitter men with little penises =)

    Happy New Year!

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  9. Wow Lucy, you can narrow it now on who bitter anonymous is. He gave himself away! LOL

  10. lol.. told you, the "bait" would work... I guess I struck a tiny cord.

    First of all anonymous... my comment about my next blog was going to be based on an experience one of my friends...

    Second of all, I have been in a relationship for 5 years with the same man... and he is the perfect fit, fabulous, and the perfect gentleman.

    So, I have not been with any other man other than my boyfriend of 5 years... sorry, buddy... maybe... that was your wish to be with me.. but it ain't ever, ever gonna happen.

  11. Lucy Hun,.. I wouldnt even bother trying to explain yourself to these idiots!! They are puposley trying to get a rise out of ya!! Cmon hes probly 14yrs old ,..or the mentality of one,.. and is sitting back thinking everything he writes is funny!! my definition of him Loser!!!

  12. Thanks, "nice" anonymous... I really appreciate the support. You are right, he is obviously someone with lots of problems and issues.

    This piece was about dealing with life and having the strength to overcome... not about anything else.

    Happy New Year, Friends!

    Thank You so much

  13. I think giving attention to Robert is what he wants. So forget about it.
    Happy New Year
    Love peace and happiness to all.

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  15. Rolando, I knew it was you that was the angry person behind the ugly posts. You need some very, very serious medical help.

    I will be deleting all of your posts without answering them going forward. My life, my family and everything that I am is none of your business.

    Please let it go. I'm not interested in you in any capacity, so please leave me alone.

    Happy New Year.

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