
Monday, December 27, 2010

Same Old Lang Syne

Something happens when you bump into someone from the past that you thought was in the past forever. It’s as if time stands still for a second, you try to remember, and then in a blink of an eye, it all comes back to you. Your heart stops, you catch your breath, and smile.

Unfortunately, we can’t turn back time , we can’t look forward, and are left standing in the present. This is it. This moment is all we have, all we will ever have, and you’re lost trying to find the words that won’t make you feel like a complete idiot. It doesn’t matter because just one smile and you are seriously stumbling and wishing the moment would never end, but it does.

We rarely are given second chances in life. Rarely, given the opportunity to “fix” what was done and make it right. So, why when given the chance do we not take it? Why when the Universe resets to give us a second opportunity, do we pass it up? Why do we choose to live among the memories instead of making new ones?

We don’t say what is in our hearts and the moment is gone, yet again. Left with nothing other than a wound that has been opened, we bow our head, say “so long”, and wake away from our destiny.

I wonder how many opportunities does the Universe grant?

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2010


  1. Not many my friend, so the first opportunity is the one that usually counts. Take it and seize the moment! I believe, seconds are DO or DIE moments. In other words both individuals realize how fortunate they are to reunite after so many years and decide to DO something about it. While others let it DIE, because it's just too difficult to start something again that perhaps was slightly painful, especially if their life is set in a different path. I enjoy your writing as usual!!! New Year, new experiences!! Bring on 2011!!! <3

  2. So it leads me to believe that sometimes second chances are not second chances at all but realizations of things that were never meant to be. If it didn't happen once and then again, it was never meant to happen. And, that's okay... it's part of the growing curve =)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. lol... are you kidding? First of all cowards are not entitled to opinions. Come out of hiding, then maybe I'll take you seriously.

  5. Really? So here I am! Now what you whore?

  6. Robert? lol... nice to meet you. I don't we know each other although you seem to judge me. Funny, Jesus said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

  7. lol seems to be your only defense...

  8. defense? what am "defending" myself from?

    As for the "lol", you make me laugh. I think your pettiness is funny.
