
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Caution Handle with Care

Don’t you wish men came with a big label plastered on their forehead that read, “Caution, psychotic man enclosed. Handle with care.” Wouldn’t that make our lives so much easier? But, they don’t, unfortunately. Therefore, we need to proceed with great caution.

When we were 16, it was okay to rush in. If things got a little too hot, we quickly let go, and moved on. It was okay to go a little fast, it was all part of the learning curve. But, we’re not 16 anymore. We have learned from rushing in too fast too many times; and, the lessons have been hard, difficult, and painful at times. We had the time to spare then, now not so much.

In our quest for “Mr. Right”, we have learned how to sift, carve, and find that unbelievable man that is out there waiting for us. It’s okay if we stumble, fall, and get our knees skinned on occasion. It happens. No biggie. The important thing is to enter with caution. Slow it down a bit, no need to speed into relationships. Stride in slowly, carefully, and with patience. And, ladies, listen to that little voice that is always so right.

Listen carefully and never doubt, conversations and much time spent together will slowly reveal what lies beneath and no label will be necessary because truth always prevails and rises to the occasion. Just slow it down and if he is right, he’ll wait; and if not, it won’t matter.


  1. Ahh! Girl..I've been through lows , mediums and highs! I have also for sometime stopped looking and focused on me, family n friends. I love my life and just when I least was looking for it...BAMMM! You are right with a little time and patience all is revealed! "Talk is cheap...actions speak"!! So far that motto has worked for me! Wishing you love of self, abundance, patience, happiness and love! xo

  2. I think that's the key... stop looking... the "right" person will come at the right time when it is needed not before not later =) I'm glad love knocked at your door and glad you were available...

    Talk is cheap my fried... it certainly is =)

  3. Yes! Enjoy yourself, family and friends... when you least expect it ,love will show up! With no insecurities, no boundaries, and no jealeousy or manipulation.That person will show you their true self and love you for just being you! Even your quirky side!! haha!xo

  4. As a woman, I find it distasteful when another woman, who has obviously not gotten what she wanted from a man, resorts to lashing out with what she perceives to be the truth about her experience with him. You actually come off sounding bitter here, even when you are trying to give the appearance of being hopeful. The label you use to describe him, "psychotic man", shows your level of immaturity and lack of any moral high ground. I invite you to look within yourself, search out the truth with impartiality and realize that character assassination for the sake of hurting or defaming another party, only serves to show who you really are as a person and not them. There is a sense of loss here, not the loss of what could have been a good relationship, but of what you have lost in writing this demeaning blog. I will pray for you and ask the Lord to grant you what you obviously don't have at the moment, peace.

  5. Susan, lol... if anyone sounds "bitter" is you. First of all how do you know that this experience is about me? Or a man in my life? It could have been about a friend or someone else?

    Simply put, this was just about taking the time to discover what you truly want and need. It's okay when we come across people that are different from us, we just move on. In no way did I demean anyone at all. We're old enough to know better.

    I think the one that needs prayers is you. Stop judging, it's really a very unattractive trait.

    Much Love,

  6. Hold up ladies!! There is estrogen w/ maybe a little testosterone in here. We all have a opinions and we should all respect them! But I certainly did not expect that this would turn what it has!! Wow-Susan! Just to recap..I believe this blog was about not rushing into love...or settling for someone for the sake of not wanting to be alone. I don't see what you mean by Lucy being hurtful? With all due respect, talk about taking this personally! Obviously, there is more to this than meets the readers eyes!... You are so off topic... Let's move past this and stay FOCUSED on the topic!!! Just my opinion!! Have a great day!!

  7. Anonymous... I think you hit the nail right on the, "boo hoo... whaaa" head.. lol.. this was not personal... it was about taking the time to know the person before jumping into anything.. I think Susan may have some unresolved issues.. and that's cool.. that's why we're here.. to vent and explore.

    So, Sue.. tell us? What's eating you girl.... be honest.

  8. Lucy,
    You really do need help. I think you might be bi-polar.

  9. Really? I need help? lol... are you a psychiatrist? You can diagnose?

    Let me ask you "anonymous"... why do YOU hide behind the "anonymous" shield? What are you so afraid of?

  10. Just an observation Lucy!

  11. ahhh... seems your observation is always soooo negative... very negative person, perhaps a little egg nog will cheer you up this Christmas...

  12. Yes dear, I know you resort to booze....there is more to life than trashing people on your blog and getting drunk.
