
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time in a Bottle

I have had a couple of conversations with some friends regarding the time that they feel they've lost; mostly in relationships where they are not happy. I know, I do not have an answer on this one, but I can speak from personal experience. We do not lose time, we live. As we live, we learn and grow.

It's natural to glance back and wonder "what if"? I personally do not believe in this practice, but understand why we do it. I believe it is wasteful and serves no purpose. If you feel that you have stopped loving someone, it means you never loved them to begin with. We can fall in and out of love numerous times. Being in love and loving are very different things.

Pure and simple, we love when we meet our the other half of our soul. This soul completes you and compliments you. This is the soul that understands you. You don't need to talk to them ten times a day; you don't need words,; you don't even need explanations. This soul knows how you feel and what you are thinking without words being spoken. You can look into their eyes and know everything that is their hearts. You can be miles away and feel them close by your side. There is no conflict, no fighting, no arguing, no pain. There is just complete inner peace. You belong together and you know it.

When we are young it is so difficult to understand this concept. We fall in love with how the person looks on the outside. We think jealousy and possessiveness is love. We fall in love with the sexual part of love. Sex is good; well, sex is great. Come to think of it, it's wonderful; however, I digress. Let's stay on track. Where was I? Ah, yes, Love.

When we are younger, we do not realize that looks fade; jealousy is insecurity that can only breed fear; it grows and it festers. We fall in love with love. When the passion and the looks fade, we are left with the reality of the person we choose to be our companion. We realize that we have not been sharing our lives with the soul that the Master intended for us. We need someone to love body and soul; and this is not them. We fear the unknown, and settle. The more we settle, the more unhappy we become.

Time is never lost, we bottle it up. As difficult as it may be to realize this, and it will be painful to say the least, we owe it to everyone to walk away. To be kind to the stranger beside you and go your separate ways. The longer we stay in a painful relationship that drains us of all that we are, the more we lose of our souls. We may have one day, ten days, or fifty years left on our earthly journey. How do you want to spend the rest of your days?

Lucy Tamajon

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009


  1. no one should be stuck in a relationship that they are not happy with. Release your need for attachment. Only in finding yourself and being "alone" with you can you find happiness. Your happiness does not rely on someone else, it is within you.

  2. someone brought a very valid point, what if you find that "perfect" relationship and your soul mate; but there are outside sources trying to tear you apart? People are always going to try and interfere in relationships especially when they see happy people. Jealousy and envy are always apart of our lives. YOU control YOUR world. You cannot let anyone or anything tear apart true love. YOUR feelings are YOURS and you have a right to tell you who to love.
