
Friday, August 7, 2009

Love Story

It is ironic how Ryan O'Neil started his young career, with a movie by the name of "Love Story". His character falls in love with the love of his life only to lose her to at the end. I watched this years ago, I was very young, and missed the message. Decades later, life imitates art, and the message is crystal clear to this little girl who still believes in everlasting love.

Tears of joy should be shed when souls find one another and are able to share whatever time the universe allots them. Whether it is a "brief" romantic encounter or "years" of this life's crazy ride. No vows are necessary when true love is found, and words are even more of a burden. All that is needed is to look into one another's eyes and you will know.

Love is not about a big fancy designer dress, or flowers, or a big reception. Love is not about standing at a church, temple, or even a court room to utter vows. Love is not about diamond rings and empty promises that will probably never be kept not because you did not mean to but because promises almost always are broken. Love is not about spending thousands of dollars in a huge production to please the masses.

Love is simply accepting the soul that shares your life as they are. Love is being frightened in the middle of the night and being able to find comfort in the warmth of the soul next to you. Love is knowing that your time together is precious, that you both have demons to battle, and that regardless of life's challenges, you will stick it out together. Love is understanding that we are spiritual souls in human form and will therefore have faults. Love is sharing all that comes our way in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, till death do you part. And, this does not have to be said out loud, it just has to been known in the heart.

You do not need a priest, rabbi, pastor, or judge to confirm your love. You do not need special vows or a big party. You just need to know, and you just need to be there. Vows are a soft whisper from the heart on a cold winter's night.

Oh, yes, and my favorite line from the movie that was etched in my mind forever, "Love means never having to say you are sorry."

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009


  1. This is great!!...Glad to see that you are moving all your notes from FB to your blog!!!...

    Your fans are growing!!!

  2. Yeah.. I am :) Thanks for your support and inspiration. You have been an amazing source. We miss you on the wacky world of FB... but I'm weaning off. Love & Peace.
