
Sunday, August 23, 2009

"Pardon me, is this your noodle?"

It's a hot Sunday afternoon in Miami, and I decide to go and hang out at the community pool. It's a beautiful day. I get to the pool and there are barely any people there. Nice. I find a spot, settle in, grab my book, and relax. Not five minutes pass enters a family of four. The kids are adorable maybe seven and five. They grab a spot near me, and quickly my peace and quiet comes to an abrupt end.

Now, it's not the kids that are the issue. They are sitting by the steps playing with pool toys and floating around. It's not Arthur, that's the husband, I quickly learn his name from his "nagging" wife who's name must be the "Sweet Lenore" because all she does is tap, tap, tap at his chamber door. Arthur grabs a big raft and jumps in. No sooner he hits the water, the Sweet Lenore yells out for him. She has a nasal voice that makes me want to get up and, well, you know the voice. She doesn't seem to care that there are people trying to relax, i.e, me!

"ARTHUR!" She yells as she slaps on sunscreen. "Yes." answers softly. "We need to get the invitations for Jenny's party printed." She settles in her chair. I try to read. "We will." He says. "I don't like the print on that printer. Can we make it smaller and bolder. It's too big." She goes on, he responds. "I don't know, probably." I try to read. "Arthur! Did you remember to put sunscreen?" She looks as if she is going to go check and make sure." Yes, yes. I did." He lays back. I put down my book, maybe I can close my eyes and nap through this. She goes on and on.

"What about the goodie bags?" Everyone ignores the Sweet Lenore, but she just keeps tap, tap, tapping on his chamber door. "Arthur! What about the goodie bags." He looks as if he wants to submerge his head in the water, "I don't know. I just want to float. Can I float?" She looks at him, "Where's your hat?" Arthur is bald, I guess the Sweet Lenore was worried about a sunburn. "I just want to float.. I don't need a hat."

After about half an hour of this, I get up and decide to join Arthur. I walk in the pool, smile at the kids, and just float. I notice a noodle floating by. The Sweet Lenore is going on and on about pizza and prizes and guests for little Jenny's Birthday.

"Pardon me, but is this your noodle?" I ask Arthur. "Yes it is." He smiles. "Mind if I use it?" He is very nice, "Oh, no. Of course, please do." I grab the blue noodle. "Thanks. I usually bring my own, but I forgot today. Isn't beautiful today?" I smile. "Why, it sure is. What's your name?" But, before I could answer.

"ARTHUR!" it's the Sweet Lenore. "What is it!" Arthur actually snaps back. "It's time to go." She is standing by the edge of the pool. "But, why? It's early." He looks like a five year old himself. "Arthur. Get out. We need to leave." She turns around and starts gathering her stuff and telling the kids to pick up they're going for pizza.

"I guess you better go sounds like she'll put you on time out." He looks so sad, "Nice talking to you." He says. "Same here." He starts to turn to walk away. "Oh, Arthur." He turns and smiles. "Yes." I hand him the noodle. "Here's your noodle. Thanks."

And they leave. Finally. Some peace and quiet! Now, I can read my book and just relax as planned. Ain't I rascal?

Lucy Tamajon

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009


  1. Thank you for reading, I am overwhelmed and flattered. Love & Peace :)

  2. Lucy, these things annoy me too. I love your writing style. I look forward (unfortunately for you) to more situations that irk you! Keep them coming!

  3. Lisa, I wasn't really annoyed.. this was just a comical look at a very common situation. To be honest with you, I felt kind of bad for the guy. He just wanted to relax a little and well... his wife was annoying him more than me. :) Thanks for reading.
