
Friday, August 28, 2009

Shakespeare in Love

How crazy am I? Wait do not answer that. I am afraid to know what you really think. No, wait. I really do not care what you really think.

Last night, an old friend quoted some Shakespeare which got me started because I love Shakespeare. I fell in love with him when I first read him in 8th grade, and I have loved him ever since. Shakespeare that is, not the friend.. although, the friend is kind of cute, but I digress.

I do not really have one “favorite” play because everything he did was masterfully done. From the sonnets to the plays. Genius. Years ago, I wrote a poem, “Romeo”. Today, I still read that poem and have the same exact feelings I did so long ago. I am, at heart, the same girl I once was.

I have friends that tell me,”don't worry, you'll find someone.” I laugh because I have had great loves in my life and have no regrets when it comes to love. I have loved well.

Hence, Shakespeare with his endless knowledge about the tragedy that is love. From Othello to Romeo and Juliet where the quest for love is crushed by society's boundaries; to Anthony and Cleopatra where one man's love for one woman surpasses all human boundaries. He understood the plight, pain, and agony that is love.

I wonder how often his own heart was broken. How many lonely nights he spent wondering when “true love” would come. I think he did not have any lonely nights for men often do not; cannot experience the vast desert that can be the heart of a woman. The heart of a woman aches as no other can. We dream. We hope. We wait for that Romeo to save us, to love us, and to rescue us. But, rescue us from what exactly; perhaps, from ourselves.

Oh, Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou, Romeo? Six hundred plus years later, his words of love still grab the heart of the young holding it hostage for all eternity setting the standards for romance that perhaps can never be achieved by mere mortals.

If he were here beside me I would say:

“My Lord, cursed be thy wicked ways that sets the stage for life's sweet tragedies and keeps me waiting at bay for love's sweet kiss.”

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009

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