
Saturday, August 22, 2009

The 7th Inning Stretch

It's the 7th inning stretch. It's been a heck of a game. Action everywhere. Stolen bases, hits, runs, and errors. Ah, yes, those nasty errors that leave you completely stunned and in dismay. Errors really suck, everyone knows they cost the game. You can't go back and fix them, what's done is done.

Well, that's the mid-life "crisis" in a nutshell. Now, I really dislike that term "mid-life crisis". I call it the 7th inning stretch. It's when we realize we are half-way done with this game called life, and we can't help but come to that realization. It's not a crisis, it's an awakening. We are stunned and completely dismayed at the "errors" and the things we thought we would get done and haven't. I am not sure about anyone else, but nothing has turned out as planned. Life happens when you are making plans and usually knocks us on our asses in the process.

So, here we are faced with the fact that we're not twenty anymore but not wanting to be, well, I won't mention a number; we all know our own number. Kids move out, marriages fall apart. Men go crazy looking for twenty-year old Blond Barbie's and buy fast cars to get the twenty year old Blond Barbie's. Women get botox up the yin yang making them look like crazy-ass blow fishes. It's a mad dash to discover the fountain of youth, turn back the hands of time, and cram everything you haven't done in the last twenty years into the next three.

Of course, then you have those few select people that just cannot cope with the fact that they are older and are determined to live in the past. It's not just about reminiscing, we all do that. It's about actually being stuck in the past. It's nuts. Snap out of it!

This is a restless time for us in our lives. Our generation is a unique generation. Our parents were not faced with the challenges that we are faced with. They got married, raised a family, got old together, and "The End." Our generation does not have a game plan. We have had to figure it out as we go, and we're terrified. We cling to that which we think will bring us back to who we were.

Bottom line is that we've got all the time in the world. We are exactly where we need to be. We need to stop questioning the "whys" and "why nots"; dust ourselves off, and get right back in the game. Not living in the past, but embracing the present. Knowing that we have come a long way and accomplished much. I don't know about anyone else, but I've learned how to play a curve ball. I sit back, wait patiently, and swing. Believe me, it's not too late to hit a home run.

Lucy Tamajon


  1. Lucy....You've hit another homerun with this writing!!!...and the title is amazingly well suited also!!!

    I was going to comment anonymously, but there are a bunch of you out there, reading Lucy's blog that will know it's me, so why bother trying to hide my identity...

    A lot of what you say here Lucy applies to so many people that I know that it is amazing how they can read this and not think it's about them. Sadly, many of these people, mostly ladies, aren't even past 30 yet. Most of them questioning their place in life and thinking that they are too old. I know I will get plenty of phone calls for saying this, but a few of them need to just START LIVING TODAY. The past will not return!!! Not saying this to hurt anyone, just trying to wake YOU UP!!!

    Another quality writing Lucy!!!

  2. Hey, Roly.. as always flattered. You've got to be my biggest fan :) I'm just overwhelmed by the response. Over 300 readers!! It's amazing. Much happiness & love to you.

  3. Lucy,
    I have found that we do the most damage to the life we may not have ever lived by trying to live it all over again. Many lives that were lived for 40 years are destroyed in less than one year due to the lies we would like to live. We need to look forward, live a purposeful life, learn to forgive, forget and love those that want to love us back. Every day is a today worth living!
    Thanks for your writings, they make me think about life and how we are all in this together.


  4. Todd, thank you for reading and for your comments. Sometimes, I wonder why I write and if anyone reads my stuff. I have learned that as different as we are, we are more similar. We all seek to be understood, accepted, and loved. What's done is done. Forgiveness is the ultimate healing. Thank you for reading and much love and peace to you.
