
Sunday, August 9, 2009

I Do Not Remember You

I do not remember you at all;
nor the way you looked at me,
nor the comfort of your smile
I'm sorry.

I do not recall at all,
the way you kissed my lips;
nor the way you held me
on those hot summer afternoons
so long ago.

I do not have a shred of memory
of your flesh burning mine;
nor the sound of your voice
as it whispered in the night.

I do not remember you at all;
I am sorry;
nor, do I recall
your heart melting into mine
when you loved me
through those bitter winter nights.

And, now you stand before me
once again,
but, I do not remember you at all
not your eyes, nor your smile,
nor the way you loved me.
I'm sorry.
I don't recall at all.

Lucy Tamajon


  1. I am not big on "love" poems ... find them a bit silly. But, I was presented with a challenge, and I'm going to try and tackle it. Here's a silly "love" poem. Blah..

  2. i thought the ending would be different... a turn around. i am a romantic! D

  3. Amazing. Your poem has helped me understand how someone I have loved for years must feel about me. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words with me, and the rest of the world. They have comforted me, and for that I am grateful.

  4. oh, my... I'm so touched that this was read and that it touched a heart... that you found comfort in my words is a blessing to me... and an inspiration; I love poetry... however, find mine not to hold a candle to the greats.

    Thank you for reading, thank you.
