
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Castles, Princes, and all that Jazz

Since as long as I can remember, we’ve been told of the infamous Prince.  You know the one, the one that will be riding in on his white horse and shining armor. We know exactly what he’ll look like, we’ve been told this, as well.  He’ll be tall, dark, and handsome.  He’ll be strong and capable of battling dragons, demons, and scaling tall stone walls to rescue us.

So, you really can’t blame us, ladies, for waiting patiently for the infamous Prince and his white horse.  Well, tic, toc, tic, toc.  And, while, I wait, I do what I do best, think.  I’m thinking about all those beautiful fairy tales.  From Snow White and the apple to the Little Mermaid, and I try to figure out the real message behind the story. I think we get so caught up in the sparkle of the pixie dust that we miss the message.

I decide, I love all the fairy tales.  I love, love, love Cinderella who suffers the ultimate pain of losing a glass slipper!  She goes from rags to riches and owes it all to a shoe.  I love Belle who is able to transform a Beast into a Prince.  What a concept!  I take notes on this one, one never knows.

But, I think the one Princesses, we can learn the most from is Sleeping Beauty.  Sleeping Beauty takes a nap in the midst of the turmoil.  I like this idea most.  Things are nuts, spinning out of control in Aurora’s world.  There’s just too much going on and what does she do?  She takes a nap!  Genius.  She goes to sleep and lets the world battle it out without her, “Wake me up when it’s all over.”  I like this!  I like this a lot!  While she’s getting her beauty rest, there is a man working overtime to battle the dragons, scale stone walls, and conquer an evil witch!  Brilliant; and, when he’s done, he kisses and she wakes up and everything is fabulous!  Time to do a little shopping and prepare for a wedding, now this is a fairy tale if ever I heard one.

I think our Prince is out there ladies.  I think we just need to take a nice long nap, get our beauty rest, and let him battle whatever dragons he must to make it us.  He will, we just need to be patient just like Aurora.  Lord, the woman waited 100 years!  Now, what does that tell you?

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2012

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