
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Mr. Darcy

"You know what your problems is?"  My friend asked.  "No, but I'm sure you are going to tell me."  I smiled and sipped my martini which by the way this conversation was headed, I should have made it a double.

"You're an incurable romantic, that's your problem."  I squinted my eyes, "That's my problem?  Jeeze, I thought you were going to say I drink too much and need to loose 10 pounds!"  She ignored my sarcastic remark and continued her pyscho-analysis of yours truly.

"Your head is somewhere in the clouds.  You need to stop romanticizing so much! He doesn't exist.  You've got to be realistic."  She said, gosh I could almost detect a bit of anger in her voice.

"Me?  A romantic?"  I laughed.  I couldn't help but laugh.  I mean after all aren't we all romantics?  What would life be without romance!  "Seriously,"  I said, "You're nuts!  Of course, I'm a romantic, who isn't."

"I'm not."  She said with pride and a broad smile.  "Well, I'm so sorry for you. How sad it must be to just settle for whatever without expecting a little, no wait, a lot of romance." She smirked, I guess she was the one needing the martini now.

Let's face it and this applies to all of us, men, women, and those still undecided. Romance is the spice that keeps relationships thriving.  Once the romance and the so called "sparks" fizzle out that's it.  It's over.  And, don't think romance is easy, oh, no.  Romance is much more than red roses and chocolates.  Romance needs to evolve, grow, and bloom along with the relationship.  And, there is nothing wrong with having expectations of a man and having him live up to those expectations.  Nothing at all. 

Of course romance does not equal love, and it certainly does not equal sex.  I think what's happened in today's modern society is that we have gotten it all mixed up.  Romance, sex, love, the words are interchangeable for many when they really aren't the same thing.

Romance is getting to know the person at a different level.  Listening, laughing, holding hands. Doing the little things in a big way.

Romance is being friends before anything else. Laughing and sharing good times and not so good times.  Romance is the seed that will grow and bloom into love. 

"Mr. Darcy was magical, I love him!"   I beamed at my friend and sighed.

 "Who?" She said. 

"Mr. Darcy, Pride and Prejudice is the perfect example of romance at it's best.  He was so stubborn and set in his ways, but Elizabeth Bennet breaks him down. She chips away little by little and doesn't put up with his nonsense. They talk, dance, listen, argue, walk, and hold hands. They fall in love before there is even a kiss. Now, that's romantic!"

She rolled her eyes, "That's exactly what I'm talking about.  It's a book!  It's not real!  Men like that don't exist.  They simply don't."  She was frustrated, I sat back and sipped slowly, and smiled.

"Maybe I do have my head in the clouds, but my feet are planted firmly on the ground.  And, I simply won't settle for anything less than Mr. Darcy."

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2014

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