
Friday, February 3, 2012

To Face Book or Not to Face Book

Face Book has got to be one of the most incredible social experiences of my life. I connected with people and friends that I had not seen or spoken with in years. I sat with my year book trying to remember who was who while my kids watched and laughed at me, “what you think you are still in high school or something?” I dismiss their poking fun at me. "Silly Rabbit, Trix are for kids."  I say, they look at me like I'm nuts which I am and we all know it.

FaceBook has been a therapeutic experience. I have mended fences, found really great friends, keep in touch with the people I love, and have made great new friends. I find humor in the silly quizzes, they are fun and distracting. The applications are hysterical, I love sending “mangos” and such for no apparent reason. And, of course, Face Book is a window into everyone's life which is not only entertaining but dramatic to say the least.

The one thing, I found is that no one has changed much. We have grown older, but we have not changed one bit. The funny guy, is still the funny guy now. The nice guy, still nice, maybe nicer. The guy that was full of himself, is still full of himself, even more. The gossip, still is the gossip. The quiet one, still quiet. No one has changed one single bit. Sometimes, when I'm on Face Book it feels like I'm back in grade school.

And, then, of course there is the silent stalker.  You know the one, this is the guy that never comments.  He may not even be your friend but a friend of a friend who watches your every post.  This is the guy that'll come to you in a gathering and act like he knows all about you because he does, and you are baffled because, "Who the heck are you?"  Creepy.

You would think that after all the hard blows that life has thrown at us, all of us, we would somehow realize that we are just here on Face Book to try and get through our challenging days. It's a fun way to socialize from the comfort of our home. It's a great way to put a smile on our face after a hard day. It's awesome that we are able to connect with people we love who are half a world away. It's a great place to be, but it's supposed to be fun.

Like any other community, there are always those that just don't get it. This is just a way for us to interact not over react. What we post everyone sees. What we think and write, everyone reads. When we comment on one particular thing, everyone knows. If you put it out there, it will come right back; and, unfortunately, it may not come back the way you intended it to be because people misread, misinterpret, and misunderstand.  Soon, you are caught up in a twisted web of Face Book threads that you can't get out of.   You are left wondering, "what in the world?"  You got to love it.

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2012


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have such a witty and amazing way with words. I'am truly enjoying your Blog's. You make me laugh. But, you always hit it on the nail. You know people have been telling me for the longeset join Face Book. And I would always respond "No thanks I have everyone I need in my present don't need to check in to the past. Only thinking about the negitive aspects of the past your really don't want in the present. But I have to tell you it's been a very enjoyable experience. I have rekindled with friends that I have loved since I was a kid and its true they haven't changed all that much. It is theraputic you laugh, you cry You get inpired. Even My x husband nieces and nephews have all catched up with me and it's nice to See they still call me Aunt Dee. They have taged me with pictures I thought were gone. Wow have I changed.
    I'm glad I joined except I'm still trying to navigate the IPad thing and FB all at onece and I loose what I write so many times. And get so many typeOs even I have to laugh. But on the whole it's such an awesome experience to be able to catch up with friends in Europe, New Zealand, Austrailia. To meet my husband's family who I didn't know half way around the world. and see they aren't that much diffrent then we are in the States. It's no longer just across the country it has made the whole world come to us at just a tap of the keys. How about that It is a small world after all. I tell you Life throws us so many blows that some of us survive and some can't coop not even with the small stuff. But, it is an experience I'am enjoying and I am truly glad I have catched up with you. You are a cup of fresh air to me. You brought up topics I hadn't thought of Like it is creepy to think there are people out there just reading your thoughts and you don't know it. I thought only the people that were your friends could see what you express. It is really weired to me that everyone can. I'm not to sure I like that aspect of it. I thought it was only our friends.
    The one thing that really blew my mind is that my closest family member has not accepted me as a friend and has blocked me. But hey thats life we all have diffrent opinions in life and that is what makes us such an intresting world.
