
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Letting Go, Moving On

Runners are fascinating beings. I watch in awe as the forge forward without even a second glance back. With fierce power and determination, they focus on what is ahead not on what they have left behind. If they stopped and looked back, they would never get to the finish line.

The story of Medusa is infamous, stop and look into her eyes, and turn to stone. Don't look back. And, from the pages of the Bible, Lot's wife is warned not to look back or she'll turn into a pillar of salt.

I have had several conversations this week with friends either stuck in quick sand or trying to move forward but crippled because they keep looking back. They keep going back to the same place that they are trying to move away from. Bottom line is that moving on, looking ahead, forging forward is not easy. It is difficult. It is painful. Often times, seems impossible. We have to let go of our comfort zone, let go of the security blanket that we have been gripping for so long in order to move forward. Yet, it must be done because the past signifies little.

We need to shed all that is holding us back. As if we were on a ship in the middle of the ocean, the horizon is within view, Paradise. However, we cannot reach our destination because we are carrying too much weight. We will surely sink. We must toss overboard everything that is weighing us down. Fear. Anguish. Hate. Resentment. Anger. Guilt. False belief systems. All of it, off. And, if it is a person that brings these emotions into your life, they must be tossed over as well.

As long as we are trapped within the vast darkness of the past, we will not be able to baste the light of the future.

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