
Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Today was one of those days
when you want to scream
but can't;
when your heart is half
a world away
and you want to cry
but can't;
when you question
why there's pain
why there's hate
and you want to sleep
but can't;
when your soul
is somewhere else
and you want to think
but can't;
when you are empty
just a shell;
and you want to love
but can't.

Original Poetry by Lucy Tamajon

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Letting Go, Moving On

Runners are fascinating beings. I watch in awe as the forge forward without even a second glance back. With fierce power and determination, they focus on what is ahead not on what they have left behind. If they stopped and looked back, they would never get to the finish line.

The story of Medusa is infamous, stop and look into her eyes, and turn to stone. Don't look back. And, from the pages of the Bible, Lot's wife is warned not to look back or she'll turn into a pillar of salt.

I have had several conversations this week with friends either stuck in quick sand or trying to move forward but crippled because they keep looking back. They keep going back to the same place that they are trying to move away from. Bottom line is that moving on, looking ahead, forging forward is not easy. It is difficult. It is painful. Often times, seems impossible. We have to let go of our comfort zone, let go of the security blanket that we have been gripping for so long in order to move forward. Yet, it must be done because the past signifies little.

We need to shed all that is holding us back. As if we were on a ship in the middle of the ocean, the horizon is within view, Paradise. However, we cannot reach our destination because we are carrying too much weight. We will surely sink. We must toss overboard everything that is weighing us down. Fear. Anguish. Hate. Resentment. Anger. Guilt. False belief systems. All of it, off. And, if it is a person that brings these emotions into your life, they must be tossed over as well.

As long as we are trapped within the vast darkness of the past, we will not be able to baste the light of the future.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Whatever Gets You Through the Night

This morning, I woke up to a note from a friend about a young life that was voluntarily ended. This is a topic close to my heart. I cannot get through the day without addressing it because it ties in with some of the events I have experienced in recent days.

We go through life asking, “What is my purpose?” We all do it. We want to have a huge house, money, cars, jewelry, and whatever else makes us happy. We party and drink. We want, we want, and can’t get enough because I suppose we think that our purpose is to be “successful”. Of course, success is measured by the car we drive or the size of the diamond ring we wear. We quickly make it a point to let everyone know about all the things we know and the things we have with our arogant persona.

We sit back in our plush living room furniture and gossip about the neighbor, or “so and so’s” kid who just got a piercing and a tattoo. We gossip about “so and so” who was at Starbucks with “so and so”. We assume we know what is going on in everyone else’s lives and proceed to put in our two cents about how to “fix” it. We judge people because they have long hair, smoke (whatever), or wear too much makeup. We won’t give a man the time of day because he is in jeans and T-shirt and not in a three piece suit. We quickly point fingers at those we don’t even know and voice our opinion without a second thought, without a shred of compassion.

I wonder when it was the last time we smiled at a “stranger” ; or took the time to pick up the phone and call a friend just to say “hi”. For that matter, even if we don’t feel like talking in this new technology age that we all embrace, we can send a text or an e-mail. When was the last time we took five minutes to listen to someone when they needed to “vent”? When was the last time we just helped someone for the sake of helping them out? Kindness, lending a helping hand, a friendly smile, taking the time to listen does not cost a dime.

I guess I am lucky. I have found my purpose. I will never be rich or wealthy. I will not drive a big fancy car or have expensive jewelry. I do not care about those things. I will smile, hug, and listen constantly. I will not judge but just be here for those that need me.

If someone, anyone, would have sat with this kid and poured him a scotch…

From the bottom of my heart and with tears in my eyes, I am making a promise to everyone who needs to talk about anything, please do so. Know that no matter how difficult things maybe for you today, tomorrow is a new day.

Sometimes, all we need is a little “something” to get us through the night; and, whatever gets you through the night it’s alright, it’s alright.

Lucy Tamajon

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Have Heart Will Travel

This is a very special dedication to all of my friends afraid of "loving". Don't be.

Back to romance, love, and what makes the world go around. In the last couple of weeks I have had a few friends call and/or e-mail me regarding “long distance relationships.” The question posed by all of them is, “I don’t know if I can handle a long-distance relationship?” My answer, “what’s to handle?”

Love is love. Distance is just an abstract perspective. When one of my girlfriends told me that her love was thousands of miles away and she wasn’t sure if she could handle being apart. She’s in Miami, he is in Spain; I said, “What are you talking about? He is just two inches away!” She looked at me like she has many times before; as if I had three heads and just landed from my home planet. “What?” I answered matter of factly, “look at a map, Miami is just two inches away from Europe.”

Point is that distance is just an abstract form of measurement. Once two hearts make a connection, the bond is there. Distance is irrelevant. You can be with a person on a daily basis, sleep in the same bed, eat at the same table, see them every day, and be “miles” apart emotionally and spiritually. The physical distance has no connection with the emotional distance.

What you are struggling with is the physical distance. In that case, you need to know that you do not have to touch or be with a person physically to experience love. Love is beyond all physical perspective.

Therefore, to all my friends whom have a love that is “miles away”, I simply say, love without boundaries. Forget the physical and material world. It is a world created by your mind. Live for the moment that you are granted NOW. Do not look to the future because it is not promised to anyone.

Step outside your boundaries, love from the heart, and baste in the joy of that love. Do not pack a bag or luggage, it is not needed. Just take your heart and board a plane. For the bonds created by the soul supersedes all earthly components of what we perceive to be “love”.

Lucy Tamajon

Friday, April 17, 2009

Spaghetti Hair Sally

This is a special request and a special dedication to all my little babies out there that I love so much. I have stashed away a collection of children's stories that I wrote long ago for my babies. Recently, I came across a binder stacked with stories. Here is one I thought I would share. They are silly, made up stories used to grab the attention of three wacky kids. With much love,

Spaghetti Hair Sally

Spaghetti hair Sally,
does not like to wash,
"No soap! No water!, she'll loudly shout.
And, rushes quick as a flash right out.

Her long spaghetti hair,
just wiggles all around.
The most peculiar things I've ever seen
sometimes just pop out!

Little green toads hopping all about,
tadpoles, orange slices,
and once even a giant purple ant came crawling out.

"Yuk!", the other children shout as they squirm,
at the horrible scene.
"Oh, don't be silly, it's just a worm!" she smiles,
and giggles shoving it in her jeans.

Spaghetti hair Sally,
has never used shampoo
and so her tangled hair just grows and grows,
with grasshoppers, potato skins,
and even a kangaroo!

"Oh my!" the people yell at her,
as they see Sally passing by
with her long spaghetti hair.
But, she doesn't stop to look their way,
off she goes with all her flair.

Spaghetti Hair Sally,
is happy as can be and lives without a single care,
it's just her and her long spaghetti hair,
and all the creatures and things that live within.

Lucy Tamajon

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Visions of Shoes Danced in my Head

I am not one to be skittish about bugs. As a matter of fact, while my friends are freaking out over a little itty bitty roach, I stumped it dead while wearing my black and gold 2-inch single strap flats, scooped up the guts from her floor, took a sip of my wine, and dumped the corpse in the kitchen trash. The End, problem solved.

However, yesterday, I spoke with my son about some of his experiences in Kuwait. During the conversation, he mentioned the fact that there were six-foot lizards in the deserts, among other “friendly creatures.” “What! That’s not a lizard! That’s Godzilla” I yelled in horror. “Yeah, well, they are more like dragons.” He said. I was horrified. I don’t know about anybody else, but if I would see a six-foot lizard headed towards me, I’d get the “Yadda” out of there!

Then a friend said, “Think of the nice bag it would make”. I stopped dead on my tracks, no pun intended. “And, the shoes! “ I smiled. Suddenly, Godzilla looked very appealing and the fear had disappeared. “Damn, for a pair of pumps and a bag, I wrestle the creature myself! Let me at him.”

In order to understand my take on this, you need to know about my love and my obsession with shoes. Shoes make everything better for me. When I am sad, feeling down, feeling happy, excited, or bored; I shop for shoes. I look at the new designer lines and dream of them. I love everything about shoes. From Milan to New York City, from the patton-leather mary jane two tone platforms (no not an urban legend) to the metallic bronze 6-inch strappy sandal, I love them all.

As I spoke to my son and the visions of shoes danced in my head, “only you mom can take a desert storm, a mission in Kuwait, and a 6-ft dragon, and turn it into a pair of shoes.” He signed. “Think of it! If everyone was turning dragons into shoes what a wonderful world it would be!”

Lucy Tamajon

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

God's Time Out

Okay, so as you all know, I have been stranded in a secluded island somewhere in Miami where there are bacon trees, sparkling rainbows, and baby ducks to rescue. So, I will bring everyone up to speed and hopefully I will start my blogging ways again very soon.

Last Thursday, my computer crashed! My internet went down! And, finally on Sunday evening my cell phone decided not to allow me to answer any incomming calls. I will not bore you with the technological details. At first, I went bonkers. Then one of those voices in my head said, "you need a time out. Disconnect from the cyber world and reconnect with the real world." So, I did.

I have done a lot of very interesting things, and I will fill everyone in on the details and specifics. One of the most important things I did was read a book that a beautiful soul gave me to read. Many Masters, Many Lives. It answered a lot of questions that have been really bothering me for a very long time about the people and voices in my head. Whatever, I know you all think I'm nuts. I am so deal with it.

I decided to take out my "Giant Eraser" which is awesome, (I will write about this tomorrow so that you can understand the process); and my magical rainbow marker and redo my whole life going forward. I know that you are all having issues following this blog. I understand completely. You will need to follow closely because I will elaborate on everything in the future.

This morning as I set off on my regular boring work routine, which I have decided to use my magic rainbow marker and make interesting and fun, I am pondering, "I was able to send my computer back to Dell, they are working on it. However, where do we send our souls for repair?"

Have we lost the human touch? Are we all so caught up in our cyber-space worlds that we have lost the connection to our souls? How do we re-connect with our souls?

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Wall

I was told yesterday by a good friend that I have a wall built all around me and that it is really difficult to get through. I looked at my friend in awe, "Really?" I had not realized this. I wondered about the walls we all build and the "safety" we find in our own confinement.

My friend is right. I have built quite a huge wall all around me, but there is reason for this. I trust and I love. It is what I do, what I have always done, and what I will continue to do. My actions are often misinterpreted. I am often hurt. I do not mind the pain, it is through pain that we grow emotionally and spiritually eventually moving on.

I thought about the walls that we all build around us finding comfort and safety behind its confinement. We become accustomed to the "nest" that we settle in and ignore the turmoil around us. We settle for lesser things because we are afraid of stepping outside the safety of our cell. We live and share a life with someone we do not love. We hope and pray that things will get better and when they don't we start stacking up bricks and cementing ourselves in. We cry in silence. We pray before we fade into sleep. We hope for the freedom that we can only give ourselves.

We hold the key. We have the way out. We built the wall and only we can dismantle it. It will be difficult, it will be painful. There will be fear, anguish, and tears. But, it must be done. We cannot allow ourselves to sink and die in a dungeon that we have created.

This morning as I set on another glorious day in Miami, I ask you to look around you. Take a very hard look at the walls that you have meticulously built. The darkness that confines you. I ask you to release the pain, the fear, the anguish, and all that is holding you back; and, start taking the wall apart one brick at a time. Find the light. Head to it. Be brave. For there is no greater fear than that which we have created ourselves.

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

This morning, I read a report that said that men with sisters are better people. They are more sensitive to a woman's needs, better listeners, more attentive, better husbands, and happier people as a whole. I take full responsibility for my Little Brother.. without me he would be just another insensitive, careless guy.

So this blog is all about sisters and how truly wonderful we are. We are loving and caring. We give hugs and kisses when we must and a good smack down as needed (which is often). We define "space". "This is my space and don't you dare step over the line!" Smack down if you do.

We mess up all of their toys when they are little, and we mess up all of their toys when they are grown. We constantly remind them how silly and rediculous they are, but in a loving way. We make them sit through all the "girly stuff" that we do and if they don't comply with our demands, we scream at the top of our lungs! Hence, they quickly look at us in horror, shut up, and do as we say. Otherwise, smack down. They place with tea sets when they don't want to, and they have to be nice to all our dollies regardles of how many of their stupid boy toys we break.

Yes, being a sister rocks! It rocks big time! All you ladies lucky enough to have a man in your life who has been "tenderized" by their sister should thank us. Afterall had we not put them through the rigerous Sister Boot Camp training, they wouldn't be the men they are today.

Here's to Sisters! Cheers!

Lucy Tamajon