
Monday, August 10, 2009

Free to Love

We are trapped within a prison fabricated by the mind not realizing that the soul has been free to love. You can only experience true love when you set the soul free; yours and theirs. Souls are not meant to be confined by expectations and boundaries set in the material world. Set them free and love beyond belief will be yours.

Have absolutely no expectations of the person you are with. Just live the moment for what it is. Accept all that is given to you at this moment; this minute without questions because that is all that is real. Cease questions; questions are mere obstacles; live the questions because the answers will come in time.

We cannot own a person, they do not belong to us. We cannot set expectations or rules. Souls are part of the universe, they are not ours. Souls are the sunset and the sunrise; the ocean and the sand; the mountains and valleys. They are the air that we breath; the roses that bloom in summer; the smile of a child. Souls are eternal, they are not meant to be confined.

Say to the person you love, "you are free". Free to be what you want to be. Free to do what you want to do. Free to love as you want to love and set them free. Let them be. In doing so, you set yourself free. You will achieve the most incredible peace within that you have ever experienced.

If this soul is meant for you, they will give all that they are to you. Willingly without your demands, without rules, without judgment. They will return on their own to you to find comfort in your heart, to share your existence.

They will look into your eyes and right to your heart. Words will not be necessary. Not one word will be spoken. Time will stand still and be non-existing. The world will cease and you will melt into one another. As if notes in a beautiful symphony composed at the Master's hand without your understanding, you will come together in perfect harmony. You will be free to love through the ages and for all eternity.

Lucy Tamajon

this is the original writing of the author, Lucy Tamajon, it cannot be copied, distributed or published without her consent or authorization. <3


  1. Love is not owning someone. I had a disturbing conversation with a friend who believes that if she is with a man, he cannot be friends with other women. I do not understand this. This is not love, this is control, insecurity, and serves no purpose. Love is. It just simply is. It cannot be forced.

  2. This is a beautiful post and true... i HAVE lived in the moment, in someone's arms where time just stands still. Hours pass and it is not enough ... I ask no questions. Just LOVE within the moment given.... received.

  3. Thank you for your comment. Love seems so simple to me, I fail to understand why we make it so complicated. If we would just let go of all the fear and insecurities, loving is easy. I wish you great love always.

  4. It is people who make love difficult. Loving someone can be the simplest thing. Giving them everything and expecting nothing in return. Treating them as a treasure, but not as a possession. But giving all sometimes is not enough when doubt, jealousy and disturst enter the picture.

  5. I've never understood jealousy, I understand it even less now that I'm older and "wiser". If you cannot trust the person your with, you should not be with that person. Trust is everything. The minute I have to question or be suspicious of something, it's no good. I have never doubted the person I'm with.. that is so unfair to do.

    But, unfortunately, people confuse jealousy for love. "If you loved me you'd..." It's quite the opposite. When you love someone, you set them free. Completely free. That's love. No doubts, restrictions, rules, or expectations. Love just is. :)

  6. You have touched upon something very personal to mostly everyone with this writing!!!....There are a few people I know that should definitely read this!! I think that some of them already have....and although they get the message, they probably still WILL NOT change!!!....
