
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Til we've had just enough"

It seems some of us have missed the meaning of relationships and why we have them. In our search for “forever”, we have forgotten that relationships are the core of life.

All relationships that we are in teach us something about ourselves. It’s all about us and our next step. They are a trial, a test, a necessary “ must do” that will help our souls reach their true potential.

We ask ourselves “what is wrong with me?”, as we close another chapter and are left to marvel and wonder why things didn’t work out. Well, they did. Things did work out. We were involved with someone that we learned from. We gave, we shared, and we learned; and vice-a-versa. There is nothing wrong with either one of you. You are just different souls on this earthly mission trying to figure it out.

So, my friends, as the amazing Dr. Suess said, don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. Don’t beat yourself up over something that ended, instead celebrate that it happened. Let go of the anger and the pain so that love can embrace your heart.

There is no need to tear the other person apart. No need for gossip. No need for lies. No need for anger. Let it go. Put your ego aside and realize that we are all here on the same mission. Let go of the anger and the ego; and, then love can emerge.

We need to understand relationships are gifts from God and they come with expiration dates. Whether it’s til death do us part or til we’ve had just enough, forever has an expiration. It’s what we do with what we have at the moment that really counts.

In other words, NEXT!

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2011


  1. Totally agree, Lucy! We all learn from relationships past or present, in general. I can't stand when pple break apart and they start talking bad about the other. No need for that! There was a reason why you were friends or lovers to begin with.Pple enter in our lives for a reason to teach us more about ourselves and how we are and vice versa...What a beautiful gift! Keeping it positive and always learning!

  2. it's all about keeping it positive. I have never understood the anger at a break up. And, you've just described love. Once there is love, there is always love. Love never ends regardless of the circumstances.

    So, if a relationship ends regardless of the reason it is because the love just wasn't there. There may have been other emotions, but not true love.

  3. What is true love??? Does anyone know anymore??? Just asking??

  4. I do. Love is love and is never changing regardless of the circumstances. What happens with us is that we fall "in" love with romance; but with true love you don't fall "in" or "out" it just is.

    Think of the love we have for our children, our parents, our siblings... it's always the same. It does not change, we love unconditionally. That is how we need to love our partners.

    Instead, we fall in love with the romance and once the romance fades... the love is gone... it is gone because it was never there to begin with.

  5. As always, very impressed with your Blog, even more so with your responses to the anonymous posts.
    very nice writting.

  6. Thanks so much Humber. I'm always flattered to know that people read my blogs =) Hope that my venting helps some how.

  7. it does, it usually gives me a different direction or view to ponder.
