
Thursday, January 20, 2011

No Strings Attached

The conversation over lunch and a glass of red was , can we do it? Have a “relationship” or non-relationship with no strings attached?

One girlfriend, said, “yes” without a second thought. The other, “no” just as quickly. I, of course, pondered and debated.

While men seem to want to have and boast that they can have non-relationship with no strings attached, they don’t seem to handle it well. Their egos are hurt, they put up their protective shield, and are sent into a male frenzy. They wonder “why”?, and become a bit possessive. Men can’t help it, it stems back from cave men days. They are the hunters and gathers who drag us by our hair and keep us in our caves while they hunt and gather some more.

Now, we’ve thrown a curve, “Honey, it’s okay if you hunt and gather; but, I’m not staying in the cave. I’m going to hunt and gather, too. And, don’t worry, you don’t have to call or live in the cave even. As a matter of fact, I have my own cave. No need for you to even hang around unless there is sex to be had.” The cave man is lost, stunned even, this isn’t what he was wired to do! What is this crazy woman talking about?

Women seem to think that we can handle the hunting and the gathering in addition to the cooking, cleaning, and having a non-relationship with the same ease. But, we can’t because we are not wired that way.

We are wired to nest, nurture, and love. Although, we are just as tough as our male counter parts, if not tougher, eventually, we want more. It’s in our soul. We weren’t meant to hunt , gather, and cook the beast; and, although, we can do it, it’s outside our nature. Eventually, those dreaded words that men hate to hear come out of our mouths, “Honey, I want more.” We smile leaving our male counter parts dumbfounded yet again.

Regardless, of how much either sex wants to admit that they can handle a non-relationship with no strings attached, we can’t. It is not what we were meant to do. Men are simple minded creatures who just want to do what they do best, hunt, gather, and have sex. Women are complex individuals who need so much more. We are the life givers and all that embodies Mother Earth. And, as much as both may want to be in non-relationships with no strings attached, we cannot cut the strings that bind our hearts.

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2011


  1. I totally agree with you Lucy! For me these types of "non-relationships" do not work! Someone always gets their feelings into it and end up getting hurt. Yes, men feel that they may be able to carry on a part-time, no strings attached relationship but they also become vulnerable to feeling something for the other person. Believe me!

  2. Both men and women--Everybodies crazy!

  3. lol... I don't think we're crazy, I think we're just so confused. Everyone is trying to re-write the rules of love, but it doesn't work. It's simple... I'm Tarzan, You Jane =)
