
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tic Toc

Einstein believed that we lived in parallel worlds and that the past, the present, and the future all happened simultaneously.   Quantum physics, if you will.  Complex?  Not really, but I won’t bore you with what I find to be a fascinating philosophy on the theory of time. 

However, what if?  What if our worlds did co-exist and the essence of time was but an illusion?  What if we could and did have the power to bring the past into our present recreating our future?  Okay, I’m getting a little deep, but what if?

Not too long ago, I sat having cocktails with some girlfriends.  All of us having experienced broken romances, hearts, and left wondering was there really a “Mr. Right”?  I asked a question because anyone that knows me knows this is what I do, ask questions.  “What if I missed him?”  I asked.  “Missed who?”  “Mr. Right.  What if I was too busy with lip gloss, high heel shoes, and fixing my big hair that I missed him.”  There was some silence.  “I mean destiny says that we meet the man we’re destined to spend the rest of our lives with early in our journey.  What if I missed him?  What if I never get a second chance?  What then?”

Okay that was more than one question, but they got the point.  And, after throwing that out there like a giant meteor from the cruel and powerful all mighty Destiny, we had to have another drink because, well, that’s what we do.

But, how many times have we wanted “do overs”?  How many times have we secretly wished for the chance to do it all over again?  What if we missed something, someone because we were too caught up in insignificant details that matter very little at the time.  And, what if that secret wish from the depth of our hearts came true, and we were given that chance?   Destiny suddenly brought us face to face with our past in the present and we knew now what we couldn’t see then?

That night as I drove home, I thought… yes, yes, I know, I think too much; but, it was a quiet thought that came from my heart and not my noisy brain.  And, I sent out that thought to the universe, “If I missed him, do you think I can have a second chance?  Is it possible that our paths can cross one more time?  And, please don’t let me be preoccupied with lip gloss and shoes!”

It so happened, the Universe was paying attention that night even though I didn’t realize it. And, not too long after that on a day after the Christmas holidays while I was preoccupied and frustrated with the size of my big fat Cuban butt that I was trying to squeeze into my skinny jeans, there it was.  My past, “You are too hard on yourself.”  He said.  “You look great.”

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2012

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