
Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Reason; A Season; A Lifetime

What is our purpose in life?  We all ask this question.  We get so involved in finding out the answer, thinking about it, and trying to make sense of it that we forget to live.  We get so caught up in “the purpose” that we miss out on the journey; the journey that is life.  It is as if we were on a beautiful train ride with the most majestic of sceneries, but the shades of our window are down.  We missed the ride because we were so concerned on the destination.

We have but one purpose and that is to live.  We wake up, we breathe, we smile, and we live.  We experience all that there is one second at a time because that is all that we have.  We are all connected to one another, and we drift in and out of each other’s lives as we should, when we should, and as planned.  Every single soul we come in contact with has a meaning in our lives.  They will be with us for a reason, for a season, or a lifetime. They enter our lives with a lesson and vice-a-versa.

The soul at the checkout counter; the waitress; the stranger in the elevator; the beggar on the corner; the neighbor you just wave at; your co-worker.  These people all have a reason why they come into our lives and they all bring a message, it is up to us to receive it.  Or, we may be the one carrying the message and we may not even know it.  These people stay in our lives for a very short period of time, they come, they teach, and they leave, and we move on.  There is a reason.

The souls that stay with us for a season are probably the most challenging for us to let go of.  A friend; a lover; a teacher; a neighbor that we sit and chat with, these are relationships that were meant to last a season.  We teach one another the lessons that we must in order for us to move on to the next stepping stone on our journey.  These souls leave on their own accord, we leave, or sometimes they pass away.  At times, these may be difficult relationships.  We must remember, we have the most to learn from those that hurt us most. We must learn to let go of these relationships otherwise we cannot grow, we cannot move forward on our journey.  The separation is painful at times, a “broken” marriage, a long term relationship with a significant other, a relative is difficult to let go of.  However, we must once the season is over and the lessons have been learned.  We were not meant to stay together longer than a season, let go.

A lifetime, we’ll recognize these souls because they will be with us until the end of our journey or theirs.  Our parents, siblings, and children; regardless of the difficulties we encounter, we are there to carry one another through the whole journey.  We meet these souls early on in our lives, a friend that we have known since childhood or met in our early years.  They may fade in and out of our lives, we may not see each our often, or speak daily, but we are there throughout.  These souls were meant to be in our lives for a lifetime, but sometimes, we must walk separate paths until the universe brings us together once more.  We must learn and grow before we can continue the journey together, but they are there with us because once we have met, the bond will be made for a lifetime.

Every soul is an answer to a prayer whether ours or theirs.  We need to let go of the pain, the guilt, and the anger and move on.  We need to learn to shift through all the petty details of life, to stop thinking of our purpose, and just live.  As we live, we will love, and as we love it becomes evident that this journey is the most beautiful trip we will ever be on.  

Don’t miss out on living worried about life.

Cheers, my friend.

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2012

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