
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

That Ship has Sailed

The question was a simple one, it always is, isn’t it?

“What if we missed the boat?” My friend asked, I looked up from my martini. “What do you mean?” She put it out there, the one question that is on every single woman’s mind who is waiting for “The One”. “What if we’ve already met The One and didn’t know it because we were too young, too busy, or too involved in life.”

It would not be unusual or even difficult to understand that we met “The One” long ago but couldn’t figure it out. I mean, how could we? It has taken us a long time to get to where we are today. We have grown and blossomed as women. We couldn’t possibly be aware of all that we are today twenty years ago? How could we? How could we possibly know then what we know now?

“So what do we do?” She said. “What do you mean? Do we go back and revisit every single man that entered our lives that could have possibly been “The One” and we let slip away?” The thought seemed so interesting, exciting, and even dangerous. She looked at me, “What if we did? How else would we know if we let The One slip away.”
I took a long sip. Now that would be an interesting journey.

Should we travel to the past to find our future; or, do we accept the fact that that ship has sailed?

I believe discarded lovers belong just there, in the past, and if we really took a hard look at those left behind, we'd realize there was a real reason why they are there.

"Nah, I rather look ahead, just cause one ship has sailed doesn't meant there's a bigger and better one right behind."

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