
Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Road Not Taken

One has to wonder why paths cross in this life. I do. I always have. I was one of those funny little kids, you know the ones with the big thick glasses, funky hair, and their nose in a book all the times. I questioned most everything from early on, and wondered about the “mystery” of life before I even knew about life.

So it is not unusual that at the stage that I am now in my great earthly journey, I would do what I have always done. Wonder. My journey has led me to a faraway land, well not that faraway, but it feels like it sometimes. I’ve met all new people, wonderful people and not so wonderful people. After all, that’s life, filled with all kinds.

I’ve taken this difficult challenge as best I can. I was blessed with the presence of some beautiful friends that have helped me immensely for this I will always be grateful and they will hold a special place in my heart. I have also been blessed with some souls that have not been so wonderful, in fact, they have been downright awful. But, it is from these dark souls that we learn the most.

Something happens when you are 37,000 feet in the air locked up in a tin can for 18 hours. Your patience, endurance, and perseverance is challenged. You either rise above or get caught in a vicious circle. I choose early on to rise above even if I wasn’t sure of how. Then something clicked during a conversation with another soul, one of the ones that are not so wonderful.

She is bitter, angry, and afraid, therefore, she strikes out at all those who befriend her. I remember the words “turn the other cheek”, not an easy thing to do, but sometimes a must. As I was listening to this woman complain about all the things she lacked, all the things she had given up, how unhappy, tired, and angry she was; something clicked. I didn’t want to be like her. I didn’t. She taught me a great lesson, a wonderful lesson. Life is way too short and too wonderful to be bitter.
I sat back, closed my eyes, and wondered, “How can one woman live her life, love, work so hard, and be so bitter?” The answer was clear, and I knew exactly why the Universe had lead me to this place.

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