
Monday, February 7, 2011

Norman Bates

It all started like a very promising date. It seemed to be the perfect catch, or so I was told. My response,” if he’s so perfect, why hasn’t been caught?” After dating for so many years, one develops a “Spidey Sense” when it comes to the men that are perceived as a “perfect” catch.

Nonetheless, I did what any single woman would do, you’ve got to give a guy a chance. It all seemed really nice. He was successful, attractive, and somewhat intelligent, but. You know there was a but. But, something just didn’t seem right. My Spidey Sense was telling me something was off.

After just one date, I knew there was a reason why this “perfect” catch was still single, never married, no kids, and living at home in his 40’s. He had a quick temper burst that gave a glimpse of his true colors. He quickly took control, eyes bulging, nostrils flaring and apologized. “Sorry. Bad day, “ he said. My guard was up, and I said, “hmm.” However, I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Date number two made the pit in my stomach turn into a full grown tree. This guy was a control freak and couldn’t seem to stop staring. “Sorry, I’m staring so much. I just can’t help it.” He glared. “Well, I wish you would for the love, it’s creeping me out!”

My friend said I was being harsh, “He just likes you.” But, my Spidey Sense was screaming out, “Run! Hide! RED FLAG!”

And, then it happened. I guess I was being too stand-offish, wasn’t complying with his ideas, wasn’t taking the bait; I couldn't handle the glaring and hoovering. "I'm not needy," I said. "I need my space." He snapped without warning. “Norman Bates!” I felt like I was caught in a Hitchcock shower scene, “Eek! Eek! Eek!” The more I tried to speak with him with logic, the crazier he got. “Eek! Eek! Eek!”

Here’s the deal, a man in his 40’s and/or 50’s, never married, no kids, living at home is never a good thing. Sorry, ladies, it’s been tested and proven. Now, he may fit one of the categories, but ALL! No good. Doesn’t matter how much money, how successful, or good looking he is. Run for your lives, it’s Norman Bates.


  1. is this creative writing or real life reporting? Is it ok that I laughed as I read it?

  2. lol.... it is a humerus attempt at dealing with the dating scene. Aren't you glad you're married =)

  3. Yes, you were right in listening to your gut feeling....RUN!!!. I totally agree...I dated one for 3 months a while back! It was a long distance relationship to boot, so it took me awhile to pick up on his insecurites. Yes, he had many friends and was a "nice" fun guy! But he wasn't a real worldly man, and was too much of a home body, but mostly cheap and insecure(too needy). A man in his forties, moving back in w/ his elderly cuban parents,and never had kids(by choice)...I thought it was weird at first but according to him his poor elderly parents needed him...Well, it was soon obvious why...he needed mommy n daddy more! Although, I think it's fine for all to love and care for our parents...But Men you need to realize that part of the process of growing up is becoming "independent". If I can do it you can too!!
    Lucy...I am happy to say there are some true MEN out there! The dating scene is what you make it~it teaches me more about what I want and more about myself! It's exciting and yes sometimes challenging. I made a list of deal breakers that I didn't deviate from. Of course you know which one made it to the top (no mommies boys). I didn't ever settle for anything less than my "ideal Ken". Lesson learned! Happy now and in love with a real MAN!!

  4. Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with loving your parents, taking care of them (especially when they are older), and being a good son. Nothing wrong with that, but I do believe that there is something not right about a man who's never lived away from home, had his own place, and lived his own life. Or, maybe moving back after a divorce... let's face it, shit happens and we all need some comfort at times...

    BUT...No children. No wife. No long-term relationships and still at home in his 40's? Not healthy.

    Glad you have someone to love =) Yes, the dating scene is what we make of it and I have no issues weeding out the DUDS... it's more about learning about myself than anything else.

    It's all fun stuff... I have to say, I laugh really hard as some of the things that happen. Amazing =)
