
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"Wow! What a Hole!"

One of my kids' favorite movies is Home Alone Lost in New York. There is a scene in the movie where Marv opens a door to a house expecting to step on solid ground. Instead, he takes the first step and falls right through the floor about a story down hitting the ground hard as he does. Not even knowing what the heck happed, still laying flat on the ground, and in complete awe he looks up, "Wow! What a hole!"

That, my friends, is 2009. It seems like December 31, 2008, was just a few steps ago, and we all stepped into 2009 thinking there was solid ground. Here we are, looking back in awe, and saying, "Wow! What a hole!"

The year 2009 will go down as a challenging year even for those that had a "great" year, it has been a challenge. However, it is through challenge that we learn and that we grow. For some the challenge has been much greater than for others. It has been a year of prayer, anguish, indecisiveness, hesitation, questions, endings, re-evaluation, and tears. It has been a year of laughs, hope, anticipation, understanding, courage, new relationships, faith, and making amends. It has been a year of realizations. A year of looking back at not just 2009, but at the decade that has seemed to pass in a blink of an eye.

Here we are looking forward to 2010, with eagerness and hope, wanting to bring 2009 to its rightful end; and ready, ready to begin a new era. We will have our endless list of resolutions that no doubt will be broken by January 5th, we will put away all the traces of Christmas, good will towards men, and peace on earth wishes in a box and store them away until next year, and we will pick up right where we left off.

As I look back in awe and say, "Wow! What a hole!" I have but one resolution this year, one goal. Inner peace. That is where I will start.

As we carefully take our first step in 2010, let's look down and make sure that there is solid ground. Let us learn from the hard lessons of 2009 and move forward with gratitude, an open mind, and a willing heart.

Happy New Year

written by Lucy Tamajon
cannot be copied or distributed without the author's permission


  1. A house with a faulty foundation crumbles and so does a person who is not firmly planted. That has been my experience.

  2. This is a good one Lucy! Unless we first get ourselves grounded, we really can't move forward or even effectively help others.Inner peace is a good way to start!!!
