
Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Hole in One

I didn't want to tackle this subject matter, however, it seems that as much as we say, "we don't care about Tiger Wood's personal life", we do. I have gotten numerous requests for a blog on this topic. "Golf?" I asked, "I'm afraid I don't know much about golf."

Of course, no one cares about golf, it's what happens off the golf course that some seem to be fixed on. I can't help and wonder why? Is it that our own sexual lives are drab and boring? Is that we savor the pleasure of knowing someone else's "perfect" life isn't so perfect?

What bothers me most about the whole Tiger Woods situation is not the infidelity. Honestly. Men have been unfaithful since the beginning of time. They cannot help it. It's a factory defect. What bothers me most about the whole situation is how it is the woman that is to blame. No, this doesn't bother me; it irritates me beyond belief.

If it is not his wife's "fault" for being whatever a wife is that annoys him. It is the mistress fault for being "cheap" or worse adjectives that I won't use. Everyone is pointing the finger at the women! Hello! What about him? He was the one married. He was the one breaking the commitment and the vows. What about him? !! Argghhh!

So, now poor Tiger Woods has some sort of "addiction". He needs "help". Counseling. We need to understand and be patient. He is under a lot of stress. Oh, his endorsements will be dropped and instead of making a billion dollars, he'll make half a billion. Poor, poor Tiger. He had a wife that didn't understand him. Women were "loose" and after his money. It's not his fault. Give me a break.

I have zero sympathy for this man. He has a life that is a fairy tale; and he throws it all away because he can't keep it in his pants!

This was one hole in one he really missed the mark on.


  1. His wife should divorce him. There is no excuse for his behavior.

  2. I hope she takes him for everything he's got!

  3. OK, well, I have a lot to say about this topic. First of all I think that "The Media" has failed miserably in their coverage of Woods' so called "Fall from grace". In my opinion, INFIDELITY is the most obvious issue here but not the most disturbing. I don't want to make light of Tiger Woods cheating on his wife. Personally I feel that cheaters, people who have extramarital affairs are cowards in more ways than one. Instead of telling their wives or husbands that things need to be fixed or it's time to call it quits, they decide to take the cowardly way out and cheat on them. It speaks about their character and morality. But I don't want to dwell on the obvious, since quite frankly we see so much of that in society and with celebrities these days. I want to focus on more deep rooted issues which the media is afraid to discuss.

    Issue 1: This is probably the most important issue with regards to celebrities and public figures. It has been going on for many decades and yet, the media does not truthfully address it. I am referring to how society and the media put these Sports figures and celebrities on a pedestal. They are initially portrayed as being HEROES and ROLE MODELS. The media overexposes them on TV and many people buy into that "Holier Than Though" image. Have we forgotten about Kobe Bryant, Lawrence Taylor and yes last but not least O.J. Simpson. Once great heroes and then, they fell down to "Scum of the earth" status in less than 3 seconds. The media made them and also then destroyed them. All regular human beings who are very flawed and should have never been idolized. It has come to light that many media establishments new about Tiger Woods' indiscretions years ago but chose to keep it under wraps so that his image would remain spotless. Now that his infidelity has been revealed to the masses they have no choice but to come forward and reveal all his dirty secrets. It just shows how the media is irresponsible and promotes favoritism.

    Issue 2: Tiger Woods is just another Michael Jackson. I have only seen a few people on TV address this issue and they have both been comedians. Sadly, another taboo topic that the media, especially the American media will not address. Take a look at all the women that Woods has had affairs with. What is their skin color? Not one is African American. Take a look at his friends, they are all white. The man is in denial. I am not saying that people can't date or marry someone of another race. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. What I am saying is that it's apparently obvious that he does not embrace his race at all. Just like Michael Jackson, who always denied that he didn't like being black, Woods is also in denial. He may not dye his skin white or narrow his nose with surgery, but his reverse racism is still there.

    The media has not touched upon these issues, which to me are even more important than some spoiled celebrity cheating on his wife.
