
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"Wow! What a Hole!"

One of my kids' favorite movies is Home Alone Lost in New York. There is a scene in the movie where Marv opens a door to a house expecting to step on solid ground. Instead, he takes the first step and falls right through the floor about a story down hitting the ground hard as he does. Not even knowing what the heck happed, still laying flat on the ground, and in complete awe he looks up, "Wow! What a hole!"

That, my friends, is 2009. It seems like December 31, 2008, was just a few steps ago, and we all stepped into 2009 thinking there was solid ground. Here we are, looking back in awe, and saying, "Wow! What a hole!"

The year 2009 will go down as a challenging year even for those that had a "great" year, it has been a challenge. However, it is through challenge that we learn and that we grow. For some the challenge has been much greater than for others. It has been a year of prayer, anguish, indecisiveness, hesitation, questions, endings, re-evaluation, and tears. It has been a year of laughs, hope, anticipation, understanding, courage, new relationships, faith, and making amends. It has been a year of realizations. A year of looking back at not just 2009, but at the decade that has seemed to pass in a blink of an eye.

Here we are looking forward to 2010, with eagerness and hope, wanting to bring 2009 to its rightful end; and ready, ready to begin a new era. We will have our endless list of resolutions that no doubt will be broken by January 5th, we will put away all the traces of Christmas, good will towards men, and peace on earth wishes in a box and store them away until next year, and we will pick up right where we left off.

As I look back in awe and say, "Wow! What a hole!" I have but one resolution this year, one goal. Inner peace. That is where I will start.

As we carefully take our first step in 2010, let's look down and make sure that there is solid ground. Let us learn from the hard lessons of 2009 and move forward with gratitude, an open mind, and a willing heart.

Happy New Year

written by Lucy Tamajon
cannot be copied or distributed without the author's permission

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Hole in One

I didn't want to tackle this subject matter, however, it seems that as much as we say, "we don't care about Tiger Wood's personal life", we do. I have gotten numerous requests for a blog on this topic. "Golf?" I asked, "I'm afraid I don't know much about golf."

Of course, no one cares about golf, it's what happens off the golf course that some seem to be fixed on. I can't help and wonder why? Is it that our own sexual lives are drab and boring? Is that we savor the pleasure of knowing someone else's "perfect" life isn't so perfect?

What bothers me most about the whole Tiger Woods situation is not the infidelity. Honestly. Men have been unfaithful since the beginning of time. They cannot help it. It's a factory defect. What bothers me most about the whole situation is how it is the woman that is to blame. No, this doesn't bother me; it irritates me beyond belief.

If it is not his wife's "fault" for being whatever a wife is that annoys him. It is the mistress fault for being "cheap" or worse adjectives that I won't use. Everyone is pointing the finger at the women! Hello! What about him? He was the one married. He was the one breaking the commitment and the vows. What about him? !! Argghhh!

So, now poor Tiger Woods has some sort of "addiction". He needs "help". Counseling. We need to understand and be patient. He is under a lot of stress. Oh, his endorsements will be dropped and instead of making a billion dollars, he'll make half a billion. Poor, poor Tiger. He had a wife that didn't understand him. Women were "loose" and after his money. It's not his fault. Give me a break.

I have zero sympathy for this man. He has a life that is a fairy tale; and he throws it all away because he can't keep it in his pants!

This was one hole in one he really missed the mark on.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Gift of the Magi

When I was little, I read a story, The Gift of the Magi. I loved everything about the message. Every year at Christmas, I would read the story over and over and over again. I always loved the message.

However, like most of us, I was blessed with money in my adult years and gift giving was never an issue. For the past 25 years of my life, I have had children, the lists to Santa have been enormous, and my tree has never lacked a gift. This Christmas, the story is a bit different.

And, when I asked the old too familiar question to my kids, "what do you want Santa to bring you this year?" The answers shocked me. I'll keep them private because they hate when I write about them. Let's just say, it was a very short list, one that Santa can handle without a second thought.

We have lost the meaning of Christmas. I understand how we get caught up in the pretty boxes and bows. How we want more, more, more when we already have so much. I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the glimmer and luster of all those beautiful gifts. I love the gifts in pretty boxes with bright bows. I adore them. But, it's never been about the gift for me, it's always been about the person giving the gift.

Christmas is about new beginnings, about letting go of all the old ways of the past, and starting over. Christmas is about giving what we are, not what we have. It is a smile to a stranger, a helping hand to a friend, a note of inspiration, a kind word, a good laugh, and a warm hug. Christmas is the message to the world that there is love for all and that God's gift is so much greater than any pretty little box under a tree. Christmas is believing that there is more than all the earthly distractions.

This Christmas my gifts will be hard to box and wrap. Some of my friends may not even know that I gave them a gift, but I have. My children will get their Christmas wishes because their mom still believes in Santa and I've put in a good word for them.

As for mom, well, the only thing I want for Christmas is to be able to get back into my size 2 skinny jeans. Man, all this eggnog and fruitcake is brutal on a girl.

Merry Christmas
December 15, 2009