
Monday, November 30, 2009

Out of the Blue

This life is wondrous. I am amazed every morning that I open my eyes and see the blue skies, feel the morning breeze, and wander aimlessly to my kitchen for a cup of coffee. We think we have all the time in the world, but we don't. Our time is limited. We take for granted that we wake up every morning, yawn, and breath.

I had a conversation recently with a loving friend about someone she loves waking up one day and just not being able to do what we take for granted. He went to bed as good as can be, woke up, but there were no words. He could not speak. Prognosis; 90-days.

Here is the deal people. The bills will wait. This crazy world we live in, will wait, and the world will continue as crazy as ever with or without us. The problems, conflict, wars, and all the nonsense will go on long after we aren't.

So say what you have to say. Love who you want to love. Be with the person that completes you. Stop. Stop just for one second and realize, we don't have all the time in the world to love. It's not worth it. Let go of the hate, labels, and bickering because one day, out of the blue...

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009


  1. I like your writings.

  2. Thanks. Always flattered when I have readers. :) I was a little worried this was a bit gloomy... Ill work on something more upbeat next time.

  3. Our family can relate to this. My sister went to bed one day feeling fine and the next day she had cancer. Life is very unpredictable and short.
