Bloom where your planted and the
universe will take care of repotting you when you're ready not when
you want.
I spent the first few years of my young
life living in a room with my father, mother, and brother. One room
in a house where my grandmother and great grandmother also had a
room. Later we lived in an apartment. I recently looked up the
square footage out of curiosity, 494 square feet. Our family lived
in a spacious one-bedroom apartment of 494 square feet! I thought as
a child it was a mansion, and it was.
We have to realize that we are exactly
where we need to be at exactly the moment we need to be there. The
universe is unbelievably powerful, we are just great doubters and
manipulators of our own destiny. We decide we want something
and we get impatient, we move, shift, and manipulate what we must to
make it happen. Instead what we should be doing is allowing the
universe to work for us naturally.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying
that being ambitious and going for what you want is a bad thing. I'm
just saying that what we want and what we need are two very different
things. We may want a big house, a fancy car, lots of great designer
clothes. We may want vacations after vacations, and throw money
around just because. And, there's nothing wrong with any of those
things, but those things are not what we are made of. They may not
be what we need.
All of us wonders at some point or
another, “What is my purpose? Why am I here?”
We think that we are defined by the things we have. If we are
successful, if we drive a fancy car, we live in a big house, etc.
etc., then we have found our purpose. But that is not the case.
None of those things define us or our purpose. Instead, that endless
quest for something bigger and better only bring restlessness and
disappointment to our hearts. Because we simply cannot be satisfied
and must be always looking for something more.
purpose, is simple, happiness. And, happiness comes from within, it
is not where we live, what we drive, or what we own. Those things do
not define our happiness. It just comes from inside our very soul
and it will be the only thing that we take with us when we continue
our spiritual journey.
look around and take great joy in where the universe has planted you
and be grateful regardless of our circumstances. Be grateful and
bloom! When you have bloomed and outgrown you beautiful flower pot,
the Universe will take care of the rest.
Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2014