
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Straight Up

I’ve been struggling with the topic of love. I know, can you believe it! Well, not so much love, but the misconception of love by so many.

It seems that we haven’t evolved much since the days of Mr. Darcy and Lizzy. Pride and Prejudice was written in 1813, an era when women were to marry the man they danced with at a ball! Imagine, some guy asked you to dance and because you were seen dancing in public that meant an engagement was eminent. There was no touching, kissing, or God forbid sex before marriage; otherwise, you were a tainted woman and disgraced your whole family! And, behold, if you were 20 and not married, you’d better hurry up and get the first miserable, pathetic man that came along; you were a spinster and had to settle.

Some think it romantic, I think it’s barbaric. For crying out loud, thank God times of changed; or, have they? How can men and women in 2011, two hundred years from the dark ages still believe in the backward mentality of “good girls don’t”.
I just don’t get it. As much as I love tradition, romance, and all that jazz, we have evolved! We don’t have to settle, we don’t have to chase; and, hold on, are you ready for this? Good girls do! Wow! I know, earth shaking.

Love has little to do with the physical and everything to do with the heart. How are we ever going to know true love, if we are busy playing games? Here it is, straight up, good sex does not equal love. We are somehow still caught up in the backward thinking of two hundred years ago, “I slept with him, therefore, I love him.” Wake up! No! Sex does not equal love.

I’m left to ponder how it is that love has been so muddled; and, will we ever be able to handle love as it should be, straight up, no games, no frills, and no bull shit.

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