
Saturday, November 6, 2010

He loves me. He loves me, not.

Remember when we were kids and we were trying to figure out if some guy “liked” us. We'd pick a daisy from a garden and sit on our front stoop; “he loves me, he loves me not. He loves me, he loves me not.” Hoping that that last petal would have the answer our heart was waiting for. And, if it didn't we'd do it all over again.

A mountain of petals later, years of experience in the field of love, I am able to advice my friends and help them seek answers to their love situations without having to dismantle anymore flowers; but, I'm still plucking at petals in hopes of getting the answer to my own heart's desires.

I sit astonished and wondering how I missed the signs? Were there signs? Am I reading too much into something that is not there? How did I miss it? Or, did I?

Perhaps, I just can't believe that what I am able to point out to others as “obvious signs” that, “yes, girl! What's wrong with you? He's interested.” ; in my own circumstances, I cannot see. Am I totally blind? I don't think so.

Deep down, I am more of a child than I thought I was. Or perhaps, I haven't lost my little girl dream; still looking at the horizon waiting patiently for that Prince on a white horse, I just have a fairytale heart that regardless how beat up it is, it still believes.

Dissolution by life's hard knocks, I find myself sitting on my front stoop this Autumn morning holding a beautiful pink pansy with five amazing petals. No plucking required, I can do the math.

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2010


  1. Sitting and waiting while plucking a flower does nothing more than remove the petals, causing the flower to no longer be what it once was, a flower. This should apply to life, sitting and waiting will cause nothing more than sitting and waiting, while we whiter away(like your plucked flower). Perfection does not exist, therefore waiting for perfection is not possible. Take life for what it is, stop plucking your flower and find someone who is plucking theres.

  2. lol... there's a lot of plucking going on here =)
