
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Whatever Gets You Through the Night

This morning, I woke up to a note from a friend about a young life that was voluntarily ended. This is a topic close to my heart. I cannot get through the day without addressing it because it ties in with some of the events I have experienced in recent days.

We go through life asking, “What is my purpose?” We all do it. We want to have a huge house, money, cars, jewelry, and whatever else makes us happy. We party and drink. We want, we want, and can’t get enough because I suppose we think that our purpose is to be “successful”. Of course, success is measured by the car we drive or the size of the diamond ring we wear. We quickly make it a point to let everyone know about all the things we know and the things we have with our arogant persona.

We sit back in our plush living room furniture and gossip about the neighbor, or “so and so’s” kid who just got a piercing and a tattoo. We gossip about “so and so” who was at Starbucks with “so and so”. We assume we know what is going on in everyone else’s lives and proceed to put in our two cents about how to “fix” it. We judge people because they have long hair, smoke (whatever), or wear too much makeup. We won’t give a man the time of day because he is in jeans and T-shirt and not in a three piece suit. We quickly point fingers at those we don’t even know and voice our opinion without a second thought, without a shred of compassion.

I wonder when it was the last time we smiled at a “stranger” ; or took the time to pick up the phone and call a friend just to say “hi”. For that matter, even if we don’t feel like talking in this new technology age that we all embrace, we can send a text or an e-mail. When was the last time we took five minutes to listen to someone when they needed to “vent”? When was the last time we just helped someone for the sake of helping them out? Kindness, lending a helping hand, a friendly smile, taking the time to listen does not cost a dime.

I guess I am lucky. I have found my purpose. I will never be rich or wealthy. I will not drive a big fancy car or have expensive jewelry. I do not care about those things. I will smile, hug, and listen constantly. I will not judge but just be here for those that need me.

If someone, anyone, would have sat with this kid and poured him a scotch…

From the bottom of my heart and with tears in my eyes, I am making a promise to everyone who needs to talk about anything, please do so. Know that no matter how difficult things maybe for you today, tomorrow is a new day.

Sometimes, all we need is a little “something” to get us through the night; and, whatever gets you through the night it’s alright, it’s alright.

Lucy Tamajon

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