
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Friend List

The friend list, what power it has. Some people thrive on additions of friends without even thinking about it. Just click and friend, it's that simple; and there you have it, a thousand friends to boast about. They comment, they give you a thumbs up, and they scroll down your endless “status updates” from what you had for breakfast to the color on your toe nails. We post, like, and friend everyone and everything without a second thought.

It's a virtual life we live in these days. We are the “Powerful Oz” living behind a curtain pushing buttons and posting our lives away. Only thing is that we've been doing it for so long, we've forgotten what real life is all about and how fabulous living is as opposed to simply posting. We sit around a dinner table with our phones out not speaking to people but texting, posting, and scrolling. “If it's not posted on FB or on Twitter, it's not real, it didn't happen.” I heard someone say recently which got me thinking, “What the fudge!?” (I didn't actually think “fudge” but you get the jest.)

We live in a virtual world. A cold, distant, and isolated virtual world. The more connected we try to be, the more detached we become. People just don't pick up their phones anymore. We can't sit and simply talk, chat, laugh, and give a thumbs up the old fashion way. We have lost the ability to share one on one without 500 other people reading about it and approving or disapproving. We have become a whole generation of virtual phonies. Harsh, perhaps, but the truth sometimes is.

As our virtual friend list massively grows, our real life friends are challenged to remain just that, real. I have found that those real friends will always stay true no matter how much clutter and diversion the virtual life throws at us. They will pick up the phone, they still cry, drink, and laugh with us, and we can talk for hours the “old fashion” way - sitting down face to face. They will be there live when you need them, no questions asked, and it doesn't matter what you've posted or not because they are real friends. How truly wonderful.

Recently, I came across an “old” friend wanting to stay in touch with him, I asked, how best to do this. “It's a complicated word these days.” I said. “Do you facebook, twitter?” “Honey, I don't do any of that just pick up the phone and call me. I'll be here.” He said. I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. (I'll write more about him later.)

Status Update, Virtual Friends, 490; real friends, well, let's just say they're a whole lot less.

 Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2014


  1. Testing trying to see if the comment section works. Let's see.... it looks like it works. Let me try to post now because it seems to be working. Maybe, it's the mobile that doesn't work! Thanks for reading :)

  2. Your words reflect exactly what we are experiencing today, but knowing better makes the challenge more rewarding to stay connected the old fashion way.... Cara a Cara! Stay true blue Lucy lu! ♡♡

  3. Your words reflect exactly what we are experiencing today, but knowing better makes the challenge more rewarding to stay connected the old fashion way.... Cara a Cara! Stay true blue Lucy lu! ♡♡

  4. Not knocking the "new" technology, it's got it's perks. Can't be anything but True Blue, my friend. <3
