
Monday, February 13, 2012


Shakespeare believed that all great love stories ended in tragedy. Nicholas Sparks agreed. Emily Dickensen’s poems were all clouded by the pain of love lost and a great void that was never filled.

Plato believed that love was one soul which lived in two bodies. Our mission on earth was to complete ourselves once we had found our other half until then, we were incomplete. I tend to believe this is true.

This would explain that void we all feel, that hole, that emptiness that somehow we cannot fill. This is why we fall victim to addiction whether it’s food, drugs, alcohol. We try to fill the void inside of us that will make us whole again.
We embark on an endless quest for love. Often times, we find ourselves beaten down, defeated, disillusioned, and heart broken because we try to force love. We find someone and want to believe "this is it." We try to change them, mold them, and make them fit in that void we have inside. But, it doesn’t work that way. Love just is. It just happens.

Some of us are lucky and find our missing piece early on, some have lessons to learn and must travel a different path. Some give up all together, retrieve and melt into the darkness of that void clinging to things that can never complete us and accept the turmoil in our lives because the quest may be too difficult.
To find love we must open our hearts but most importantly, we must face our demons. We must face them head on with a pure soul and a leap of faith. Once we have battled our own personal demons; and, only then, will love find us. And, when it does, we won’t need words, it won’t be forced, or a struggle, or a fight; we will just know and be complete because we will look into that person’s eyes and see a reflection of ourselves.

Happy Valentine’s

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2012