
Monday, May 9, 2011

The Castle in the Sky

“You’ve got your head in the clouds.” It hadn’t been the first time she had heard this. As a matter of fact, she had heard it twice this weekend by two different friends!

The first time she heard it, she must have been about five. She was playing in her favorite of places a fire escape three stories high. It was the closest she could get to the sky; the voice that interrupted her was her mother. Since then, she had heard it quite a few times; therefore, when she heard it again this weekend, she had to think. Well, she really didn’t, but heck, that’s what she does. Think.

“Do I really live with my head up in the clouds? And, what does that mean?” It’s funny but when she looked at the clouds when she was flying now, she always thought how beautiful they looked and how fun it must be to just lay on one and rest our weary heads. She wondered what it must feel like to walk on them and there’s almost an impulse to do so. No worries, she does have a functional logical side of her brain and won’t attempt the feat.

She came to the conclusion that she had started building that castle years ago and remembered doing so. It was amazing and it sat on the most beautiful cloud in the heavens. For a while, she had given up on it. She wasn’t sure why, life here on earth was so distracting; and, she had abandoned her castle. It would be years before she remembered about all those little girl dreams and hopes. It took courage but she headed back on the path in hopes of finding that abandoned castle she had started so long ago. She did.

It was in bad shape. It had broken doors and torn down walls. The pretty pink walls had faded and were dirty. It was so dark, there wasn’t a single light from within. And, what’s worse, she couldn’t find her treasure chest, the one that held all her dreams. It was so sad that she started to cry and as the tears fell, she noticed that every time a tear drop touched the dirty walls or floors a sparkle came through.

It took a lot more courage and many more tears to revisit her castle often, but she did. Slowly, things were repaired. The doors, the bright windows with stain glass, the walls were clean. She lit candles and decorated it with hope, with patience, with understanding, joy, and with love. And there, buried deep down in a dungeon, she found her treasure chest from so long ago. She smiled as she opened it and inside were all those dreams still intact. All she could think of was that this was her castle, and she wouldn’t let anyone tear it down again.

She did what she had to do. She built a wall and a mote. She dug deep and hard, all around her castle. It was a difficult task but it had to be done. The wall stood way tall so tall that no one would be able to climb it. The mote was way deep and filled with water so no one would be able to cross it. And, no one did. She was satisfied. It had been hard work but effective. Her castle was safe and beautiful. She was happier than she had ever been.

Then one day she noticed someone trying to cross over! She was horrified and hoped the mote was secure enough to keep him out. She sat back and watched, for if he really wanted to get in, he had to work, he had to be patient, he had to be kind, and he couldn’t give up. After all, this was her castle and if he gave up then he wasn’t the one.

Silently, she watched and every time he “failed”, he got one step further; and, she got one step closer. In complete silence, she drummed up more courage, put on her tiara, and started to build the final component missing in her castle, a draw bridge.

She looked on, that was a heck of a mote and a wall she had built! But, there he was, trying to figure out a way. Sometimes, he just sat and waited as silent as she; and when she least expected it, he was closer than she had thought but had no help crossing and fell down again.

Others had tried but had quickly given up, some hadn’t even attempted at all; but, this one was still at it. She couldn’t help it and finally smiled, and she yelled from way above her balcony, yes, there is a fabulous balcony in the castle!

“Hey, what’s going on there, buddy?” That’s what she said, sorry if you don’t think it was enough to say to guy beaten up and exhausted, but it’s what she said.

“Not much just wondering how I can get inside. I don’t want to tell you what to do and I don’t want to disrupt anything in your world but can you lend me a hand?” And, then he flashed a beautiful smile.

"Damn smile." She thought. Sure that’s what he says now but as soon as he crosses over , he’ll want to be the king and set rules! And this is her castle! She hated rules and being told what to do and there wasn’t any way she would give up her castle for anyone again. She looked at him, he was awfully cute. He was persistent; he was kind, and man he was patient.

She blew him a kiss, and said, “Let me think about it.” She was a stubborn princess but to her surprise he didn’t turn away, he stood there looking at her with those incredible brown eyes and smiled once more. He sat and built a camp and waited.

She then did what any other princess would do, she bought a new pair of shoes! And, decided it was time to finish up that draw bridge.


  1. I got lost in your story, until someone probably knocked on the door and you had to butcher the ending... But I’m glad to hear she is considering finishing the draw bridge… FINALLY! But then again Superman doesn't need one!! LOL!! Hope she allows the patient, great smile, loving man in her life and has a “Great Life” with many sandcastles into the sky!! Only when you dream can you begin to construct your reality!! Dream on!

  2. lol... true superman doesn't but then I would be delirious! Glad you read it, I thought you'd get a kick out of it.

  3. LOL! Very YOU! Loved it! He can just sit there and wait some more!

  4. lol, thought you'd get a kick... thing is that building a draw bridge takes work.... if he's there when I'm done... awesome... if not, then it'll be ready... just in case. Regardless, I'm feeling good =)

  5. Hi Lucy! I love the images and analogies. I also got very taken in by the story, and can't help wondering who this guy is - is he from your past or your present? When did your renewed interest in your castle take place?
    This story is one that probably most of us can identify with. I sense a more positive attitude and view coming through your writings lately. I would still do some editing, but that's sort of my obsessive cross to bear! Keep up the good work!

  6. Celeste, thanks for reading! Your opinion means a lot. I'm hoping that the modern woman can identify with it and I can probably elaborate but didn't want to bore my readers more than usual. The renewed interest in my castle happened after my divorce. Lost in everyone, I lost my own identity, I abondoned my dreams, and had little left but crushed pieces. It's taken awhile to rediscover myself, my dreams, and find love. As for the guy, lol... that's a secret right now...still working on that draw bridge. One thing I have learned is patient and I keep the faith... if it's meant to be, it will be regardless of the "wait". I want to give women hope. Starting over is never, ever easy... If I can do it... anyone can... I welcome your imput, PLEASE feel free to edit.

  7. Very interesting Life experience..Thank you for sharing. I know several "Princess's building a castle that have not yet decided to add a drawbridge! Connie

  8. It's scary sometimes, but I think we need to finish it and venture out and allow ourselves to believe that their is someone waiting that can love us just as we are. Of course, we should never give up or allow our castle to be dismantled by anyone, after all, a princess needs a beautiful castle all the times. =)
