
Friday, March 11, 2011

Lights over Miami

For so many years, I have been bitching about Miami. Although, I love the tropical weather and beaches, this place can be rude and unfriendly. Having Jersey blood in me, the move and adjustment from my home town has not been an easy one. I’ve missed the people, the seasons, the places, and have had a secret wish in my heart for years to get out of Miami.

Nonetheless being who I am, I’ve lived each day one moment at a time enjoying and savoring every second. I have made life-long friends in this city, built a home, and grown a family.

And, as the Universe would have it, my long time secret wish was granted when the opportunity to leave all that is Miami behind was laid before me.I silently absorbed all that was happening knowing that I was going to have to make a decision that I had been longing for for so long.

We all know that God works in mysterious ways and as HE would have it, I was granted another magical moment in my life; to see Miami from His perspective.

I sat 35,000 feet above the earth, above the clouds, in a very special area where few are allowed. “You don’t say a word and only speak when I say so.” He said. I smirked, “Have you any clue who you’re talking to?” He smiled. I zipped it up knowing that my silence would be rewarded.

Silently, I watched the earth from 35,000, 25,000, 15,000; and then, a final decent into Miami. Below me was a sea of lights shining like jewels in a treasure chest. There were rubies, emeralds, sapphires, topazes, and diamonds. I had never experienced such a beautiful sight. The view was breath taking; and my heart skipped a beat as it whispered, “home". And, excited I wondered what other treasures were there yet to explore.

"So what did you think?" He said. I smiled.

I realized that there was little to decide, the universe had spoken.


  1. I think your jet-lagged and it has affected your senses! Wait 'til the shooting of birdies, the grid-lock traffic, and the annoying, uneducated people cut you off and you come close to dying in just a 10 minute drive to Walmart-and not to mention all those who refuse to speak English 'cause hey why should they? It's The Banana Republic! SNAP! You are back to reality and asking...Why the hell do I live here? LMAO!!!!!

  2. magical! thnks for sharing.

  3. it was magical... I guess the universe is from way above the clouds. Everything seems so minute. The site was incredible and it left me wondering what else is there to explore? The universe is vast.

    As for up close and personal, yes, true this could be the "banana" republic... but people are people everywhere and anywhere... I believe our thoughts attract our surroundings =)

  4. Lucy, only as someone, whom unexplainably (to me) has become one of your followers (I believe that’s the terminology), of your writing and postings; It seems to me you have recently taken a new path to explore, which I feel will bring you many new wonderful experiences which will leave you wondering. But that’s also just your nature.
    I have to tell you that your description of the City lights as seen from above, it’s what truly made it Magical for me. thank you

  5. Humber, yes... yet another new path in this journey called life =) thank you so much for reading... I'm always grateful...
