
Friday, September 4, 2009

Yakkety Yak, Don't Talk back

The topic this week seems to be words. Too many words, the wrong words, watch your words, or lack there of. It seems that everyone has something to say about everything. At times, the words to do not even make any sense. It seems people just want to talk or hear themselves talk.

Everyone is using words of if they were going out of style. We are not even going to discuss, grammar, and spelling that is a whole separate blog. We are going to stick to the subject at hand, words. I just want to tell everyone to shut the "F" up. For the love of sanity, people. Go out, go for a walk, have a drink, buy yourself something pretty, get laid, whatever it takes to just shut up for awhile, do it.

The problem is that everyone is so consumed with themselves, they do not stop to listen to what they are saying, the impact that it has, and what everyone else has to say. Everyone has opinions. There is no right, there is no wrong, there are just different ways of looking at things. And, if you cannot persuade someone to see things your way, it is okay. Let them be.

When I was sixteen, I did a great exercise in art class. There was a model and we had to draw the model's hand. Every single person in the room had a different drawing. It was the same hand from the same model, but everyone's was different. No one was right. No one was wrong. No one was stupid because their drawing was different. They were all looking at the same hand and drawing from a different perspective.

We should apply this to our everyday lives. Everyone just sees things from their own perspective. No one is stupid, we just have different point of views, and that is okay.

What I just don't get is the name calling. The ugly name calling and insults thrown just because some one has a different perspective. It is exhausting. Why is everyone so angry? I just don't get it. Therefore, I will speak of nothing but lip gloss and shoes going forward. I'm going to exercise my right to be a dumb blond and use it to it's fullest potential.

Well, just for the weekend ... maybe.

Lucy Tamajon

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2009


  1. I wrote this really in response to some of the things going on on FB. If you don't FB, it is a very, very interesting place. And, it's amazing some of the conversations that go on there. So, I know some of you may not get this when you read it, but for you that do go on FB, you'll understand.

  2. I am so glad that I am no longer on Facebook! 75% of the people on there are attention whores and drama queens. Too many trouble-makers.

  3. I agree, but you are missed. You were one of the good guys. I stay in touch with a lot of good friends, you've just got to weed, weed, weed. Hey, did you hear our friend got married.
