
Monday, December 30, 2013

Havana on the Hudson

We were asked to come up with a resident of Union City, New Jersey who would be worthy of a life time achievement award.  As I thought, the floodgates of my mind opened and memories of the town I call home came gushing out.

Union City, New Jersey is not only historic but a town filled with incredible love.  It has earned two nicknames through the centuries,  the Embroidery Capital of the United States and Havana on the Hudson.  Incorporated in 1925, it is rich with unbelievable history that has woven a fabric unlike any other city in this great country.  Influenced by two major waves of immigrants Germans and Cubans, it has made its place on the map as “Havana on the Hudson”.  Yet, it is the greatest of melting pots that will ever exist composed of Germans, Irish, Italians, Jews, Polish, Puerto Ricans, dating back to the Dutch settlers in the 1660’s.

Growing up in Union City was a unique and soulful experience.  We were surrounded by the greatest city in the world, New York City.  The view on my way to school every day and as I stood on Summit Avenue and 28th Street was the Empire State Building, and what a view it was.  It represented everything we could be and held my every dream.  We were lucky enough to have grown up in Union City when things were still “small” and there was a sense of community.  Everyone knew everyone else.  We were neighbors and everyone helped everyone else get their feet on the ground.  We bought milk and bread from the corner store.  There was a butcher down the block.  We rode bikes to school, played along Boulevard East and stared at the big city across the river with all its promises.

Who can forget Thanksgiving Day and the big game, Emerson and Union Hill?  Thanksgiving has never been quite the same without that game.  Roosevelt Stadium, Hudson County Park, St. Michael’s Monastery, Holy Family Church, Union Hill High School, Emerson, Robert Waters, Washington School, and Bergenline  Avenue, to name a few; all brings a smile to my face.  And, of course, Cuban Day Parade which is still happening and one of the biggest events that now take place and securing its nickname, Havana on the Hudson.

For me, this is home, Union City, New Jersey.  A “little” city sitting overlooking the Hudson filled with history, scenic views, mansions, apartment buildings, alleys, crowded streets, back yard bar-b-ques, and most importantly people  you can’t find anywhere else.

Who is worthy of the Union City Life Time Achievement Award?  Only one entity comes to mind, Union City, itself for cultivating a breed and weaving a multi-cultural fabric unlike any other for centuries.
Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2014

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Fast & Furious

Fast & Furious

2013 has been a year to go down in the record books; well, technically any year that we survive should go down in the record books.  However, this year has been exceptionally fast and furious.  It seems that the year just started and in the blink of an eye, it's over; boy doesn't that sound like something my grandmother would say!

I wonder how many of our new year resolutions we kept.  You know the ones that we sit down  and write out so carefully, "loose 10 pounds, exercise more, eat healthy, be a better mom,"  blah.. blah.. blah...  I for one stopped making resolutions a long time ago, find them fruitless, and well, let's see how can I phrase this tactfully, stupid.  Yes, they are stupid, and that's as tactful as I get.  Seriously, do we really need a list to remind us to be a better version of ourselves?  Not just a list but a list that we tuck away and forget about within a week and we're back to our old, "bad" habits.

"But, Lucy, there's nothing wrong with setting goals!"  My friend scolded when I voiced my theory on resolutions (among other things).  And, no there isn't anything wrong with setting goals, but goals are just that, a goal.  Now, stay with me because my brain is not necessarily "braining" today.

Goals are set as a final destination.  Something that we want and more importantly, we want to achieve.
Goals are challenges that we must overcome at all costs, not set and give up and dismiss at a whim.  Goals are real and they are achievable but with great effort.  I think sometimes we set unrealistic goals and set ourselves for failure.  Take a look at that resolution list, tell me, honestly, how many things on that list are you really going to do and how many are you just writing for the heck of if.  So why do it?  Why set yourself up for something you know you won't do!

Instead realize that in the earthly calendar (I say earthly because there are no calendars and no time in the celestial world - another topic for another blog), we have 364 days in one year.  That is a lot of days we are given to make a lot of changes!  Even when the year is fast and furious and seems to throw crap at us that we do not want to deal with, we can still do 364 things to be a better version of ourselves!

Let's break it down.  That forever item on the resolution list, "Loose 10 pounds", I know it's on there, so don't tell me it isn't!  Well, if you make one or two changes every day for 364 days, don't you think it'll happen naturally?  Of course!  We just stop.  For whatever the reason, we stop doing what we should, we let our brains take control, and all of a sudden we're back on the road to resolution hell and crashing into flames of defeat.  Okay, maybe I'm a bit dramatic, but you get the picture.

Here's the deal I'm making with you because I'm the first culprit to start and give up, I've realized how much so this year, 2013, which seemed to be like a freaking roller coaster ride from some action film which I didn't want to watch let alone be a part of.  Crazy year, the planets were just all bonkers and we here on planet earth paid the price.

The deal is just pick three things, just three things that you really want to do.  Get yourself an earthly calender, I don't have one, so I'll have to buy one... jeeze... hate those things!   Go ahead, write a list and write it on the earthly calendar, it will be your guide.  Be realistic about it.

For example, I have neglected my writing and my art.  I said I would write everyday and blog even if it's silly and no one reads it, but I haven't.  Why?  Doesn't really matter, there really isn't an excuse.  My art, if you can call it that, I haven't reached that part of my soul in years!  I keep putting it off, again, why?  Doesn't mater.  Therefore, first two things I will do this year is blog weekly; and I've committed to going to an art studio on Saturdays.  There.  And, so, that is how I will tackle my demons. One at a time.

Thing is that life speeds by way too fast and often times it lashes out, knocks us down, and beats us up a little.  That's okay, it's supposed to do that.  We need to get up, shake it off, and strike back.  Sometimes striking back just means accepting, adjusting, and embracing the changes in our life.  Sometimes, we can strike back with a smile and say, "that's it?  That's all you've got?"  But, we cannot quit, we cannot give up, and we certainly cannot accept defeat.  There is no such thing.

We buckle up, raise our hands in the air, and laugh.  We laugh as hard as we can because even though the ride may be fast and furious, we will survive it and be a much better version of ourselves.

Here's to 2014!


Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2013

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Comeback Kid

I write because there is a great need that stems from my inner being to  regurgitate what is inside of me on to a blank piece of paper.  It's therapy if you will.  It has never been my intent to publish or post any of my inner thoughts.  

Then one day, someone said, "You should blog."  This after I told her one of my crazy stories. She even said she may publish me and she did in a very short lived on-line magazine, The Savvy Times.  I was shocked that anyone would be interested in reading the insanity that is in my brain let alone publish it.  But, it happened; and, my blog took off.

At the end of last summer, my blog had reached seven thousand plus readers (views).  I was humbled by this and the amount of private messages I'd received.  I am by far the most messed up person I know.  I own it, and to think that anyone would look to anything I said as guidance was mind boggling.  

One day, a friend said, "How much attention do you want anyway?  You have a blog, a fan page, and FB page, how much more do you want?"  I was hurt because this was never my intention.  Contrary to popular belief, I do not like the spotlight.  I am quite content being in the shade, a simple mushroom, under an oak tree.  This has been my quest (another story for another time).  However, the Universe has had another plan for me.  Nonetheless, her words were so piercing and judgmental that it all came down.  The blog and the fan page.  I kept my FB because I have so many beautiful friends I love and I like to keep in touch.  I retrieved into a spiritual cave and decided to do a little soul searching.  Was I really an attention hoarder?  I knew I wasn't.  All I knew was that there were people that read my madness, related to it, and somehow it helped them.  

It has been an intense year, heck, an intense life for that matter.  Spiritual journeys are never easy, often painful, and enlightenment comes in doses, in small shots of "Ah Ha" moments that we must work on daily.  We are all imperfect in many ways, this is okay.  We are all in search of the same things, happiness, peace, and love.  We are more the same than different.  And, those who judge, who point fingers, you seek to destroy our happiness do so out of their own insecurities and fears.  I have come to the realization that the only sole purpose for our existence is our happiness and self acceptance.  We can only work on ourselves, make ourselves happy, and must find inner peace before anything else happens. The journey is ours alone.  We cannot be "fixed" by others, and we do not "fix" others.

Having said that, I write because I find great joy and pleasure in it.   It brings me peace. It is my gift from the Universe.  We all have a special gift and discovery is fabulous.  If you don't like it, I don't care.  If you do, great.  If you can relate that's just awesome.  If you don't. oh well, you must be a much better person with zero issues perhaps you should be writing instead.

The first lesson, as we embark on a new journey and create a brand new path to self-acceptance is do what makes you happy.  Ignore the comments and opinions of those around you.  You can hear the voice in your heart loud and clear.  You know deep down the truth, do not let anyone dim the light that shines from within.  You are a beautiful wonderful soul created in light and with love.  Once you discover the beauty that shines from within your very heart, the fear in others will subside.  Because it will be your light that brings light into their dark hearts.

You may be down, you may be hurting, things may not look bright.  I tell you pick yourself up dust off the insults, the negativity, and the ugliness that surrounds you.  And shine.  Shine as you were meant to shine.  Shine so bright that you will blind the Nay Sayers with the light of your love.  You are the Come Back Kid, nothing can bring you down ever again.