
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Beggar

I came across this story in my readings, and I wanted to share.  I paraphrase, it’s from the book “The Power of Now.”

For years, this homeless Beggar dragged an old crate unto the corner, sat on it, and begged.  He did this day in and day out.  One day while sitting on his corner begging, a stranger passed by.  The Beggar extended his hand with his old baseball cap, and asked, “Do you have any spare change?” 

“No, I’m sorry, I have nothing to give you.”  Said the Stanger.  “But, I’m curious, what’s in that box?” 

“I don’t know, “ said the Beggar.  “I’ve never looked inside.” 

“Don’t you think you should?”  said the Stranger.

 “I have been dragging this box around for thirty years, it never occurred to me to look inside.”  Replied the Beggar.

“I think you should.”  Said the stranger, and so, the Beggar got up, struggled a bit with the box, and opened it.  Inside was a bag of gold.

I share this because we are all beggars in this life, and we all have a hidden treasure inside that we may have not discovered. 

Maybe we are afraid to look.  Maybe it has been hidden for so long that it will take some work, a little struggle, some digging to uncover. It may be a dream, we’ve given up on; or, maybe we are just dragging too much weight from guilty, resentment, anger, insecurity, and hate. We cannot achieve our peace, if we are dragging emotional clutter and begging the universe for anything it can spare.

 It might be painful to search deep inside our souls, remove the clutter, and uncover the gift the universe has planted. 

As we close yet another year, drink, eat, and dance;  let’s take a little time to look inside our hearts.  I have a feeling  that all the answers to the questions we’ve been dragging around for years are right there.  

What hidden treasure is in your heart?

Love & Peace

Written by
Lucy Tamajon

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2011

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