
Friday, July 24, 2015

It's not breaking up, it's taking a break

The conversation started fairly innocently.  Here we were, my friend, 24-years old... her birthday, and feeling blue.  Really?  "You're 24 and feeling blue?! You are young and gorgeous!"

But, she was.  You see her boyfriend had forgotten her birthday.  I guess age doesn't matter when it comes to an inattentive man.  "You are young, gorgeous, and deserve so much more."  I said, and I meant it.  Ladies, a man that does not put you first regardless of your age is not for you.  It's that simple. Never, ever settle!!!

Men move mountains, start wars, build "wonders" of the world for women.  We are it!  When a man is into you he will do whatever it takes, and he won't forget.  He simple won't forget.  He won't put you second, he won't leave you behind, and he certainly will get you beautiful flowers and a cup cake on your birthday.  Regardless of age, this he will make you feel like a Queen.

And, let's get it straight, it's not about money. It's about love, romance, and what makes you smile. It doesn't take much to impress us.

So, my advise on your 24th birthday and at any birthday;  it may be time to take a break... not necessarily break up, but take a break.  It's a new year, a new day, an brand new clean canvas and you are the artist holding the brush and the pallet!  Create the world you want!  And, never, ever settle!

"Maybe it's time for a break?'  I said... "not a break up, just a break. See where life takes you!"

Happy Birthday!  And, of course, Cheers!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Vacation of the Soul

There are times when we need to take vacations, as a matter of fact, vacations are a must.  We really plan these, don't we?  We save, we talk about them, we buy stuff, we pack, we take pictures, and we're so excited.  Vacations are a time to just relax even though it's probably the last thing we do on them, we live for these.

Those vacations are great and fun and wonderful, but they are vacations for the body not the souls.  The vacation we need most of all, is a vacation for our soul. A time to just retrieve inside ourselves, cleanse, reflex, and revive our souls.

Take a long, long walk through your mind, your thoughts, your memories.  Why are we storing  negativity, anger, fear?  Toss it away.  Keep strolling, walking and enjoying all the wonderful memories.  Find yourself again.  That person you were so long ago.  Find that treasure that you held so dear to your soul.  Where is it?  It's still there waiting for you.  You've just misplaced it with all the nonsense going on.  Find it, it's there waiting to be found again.

As you revisit yourself, don't forget about your heart.  Oh, that beautiful heart that has loved and lost, cried and laughed.  It's so amazing how it keeps giving, keeps loving, and keeps believing.  Smile when you visit your heart and know it always knows the truth before you do.

Then rest upon your soul.  Ah, there it is.  Your beautiful, shinny, peaceful soul. "How wonderful to see you again, I thought you were lost in the clutter of life."

These vacations into the self are essential.  Leave the noise of the universe behind, the voices of everyone trying to pull you in different directions, tugging, and jabbing, and pushing until you are just about to snap.  Let go of all the labels, the must dos, the will dos, the maybe I'll get to that.  Let it all go.  And, just retrieve into yourself and find the most amazing space on earth right inside you.

Find your true authentic self.  Your fabulous self.  Your amazing self.  And know that regardless of the earthly clutter, the noise and pollution of negative people, the labels, and the dust of the past, you are marvelous, Darling, just marvelous!

Lucy Tamajon
Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon