
Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Art of Friendship

Friends.  We all want them, we all need them, but do we really have them?  The "true" ones that is. And what exactly is a "true" friend anyway?  I'm not sure some of us have an inkling on what a true friend is or how to be one.  It really requires little thought, therefore, it's one of those things that baffles me when grown ass people don't or can't or better yet just won't be a true friend.

We all know them, "it's all about me" friends.  We go where they want to go, we eat what they want to eat, we have fun like they want to have fun.  And, all is good while we are complying, but God forbid, we put in a request.  It all goes to hell in a hand basket and we are simply written off.  Those, are not "true" friends.

In this virtual social media world, it becomes a little difficult to decipher between friends, but it really isn't that difficult.  True friends are there, always, whether they give you a thumbs up or not.  You don't have to speak to them every day, but when you call they are there for you to listen regardless of the time of day or even when they're elbow deep in their own crap. They are there in the good times, but most importantly, they are there in the bad times.

Friendship is not about just having fun, drinks, and posting pictures of all the good times you have. That's not being a friend, a real friend will never write you off.  We understand, we get pissed off at each other at times, frustrated on occasion, aggravated maybe; but we always forgive and never judge.  Real friends hang around not just in the good times but in the worst of times.  We hug one another for no reason at all and realize that the fun times are just icing on the cake.

We've all been blessed with amazing friends that we've had a life time, cherish them.  We've all been written off by the "all about me" friends, thank them.  We all have come to a point in our lives where we know what the art of friendship is, embrace it with gratitude.

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Year of the Horse

What can I say, but what a year!  It's been 365 days, well not quite yet,  of madness.  I feel as though I've been caught in some sort of stampede of wild crazy horses.  I'm exhausted.

It's been a year of trials, of major tests.  The universe has challenged us like never before with an avalanche of emotions and trials.  I for one had to do some major soul searching, I've been humbled beyond belief; and in the process I've grown much.

I've had to let go of so much, strip down to the bare essentials.  I traveled back in time and revisited a place that I longed to be at, and realized that I could never relive the past.  As much as I wanted to redo what had been done, as much as I tried to reconnect to what was, I realized that my life had changed.  I was a new version of me living in a different place and time from what was.

I think we all reach a point in our lives when we look back and wonder, "what if"?  Not all take a leap back to try and get an answer.  I did.  In doing so, I discovered that there is no "what if" because the choices made were the ones that needed to be made.  The path was set and the journey inevitable.  I am where I am because it's where I need to be, now.

It was a journey worth making and essential.  Questions were answered, friendships solidified, loose ends tied or completely severed.  I came to terms with my life "as is".  I've embraced where I am with all my heart and came one step closer to me.

Sometimes, we need take these journeys.  Revisit ourselves at a different point in life and face the questions that we once turned from.  Most importantly, we must come to be at peace with who we were, and embrace who we are.  It is not an easy journey, it never is.  However, it is a must.

I survived the wild stampede of the Year of the Horse.  Although, emotionally exhausted, I know that living for the moment is all that we were meant to do.

Cheers to 2014 and looking forward to a fabulous 2015!

Copyright ©Lucy Tamajon 2014